Norfolk State University Factors Affecting Student Motivation Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

 Research indicates many motivational factors (psychological, social, and cultural) impact student motivation and student achievement, including parental influence and participation, peer pressure, self-efficacy expectations, effort, perception of one’s talents, learning strategies, teaching style, and school environment. Which variables are the most important in influencing student motivation?How does the age of the student relate to these motivational factors? That is, do the motivational factors vary for elementary students, high school students, and college students? Why or why not? 

HIST 101 AMU Week 6 Civil War Era Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Choose a person from the Civil War Era.  Write about how they impacted History.  

Creative option:  Post about the Civil War from their perspective. You can talk about any aspect of the Civil War, but you must look at it from your character’s perspective. In other words, you are no longer living in the 21st century, but have been transported back to the 1860s.  Make sure to include Historic facts and why your person shaped the Civil War Era. 

SEU Management Leadership Discussion


Authentic Leadership

Authentic leaders are led by their convictions. The experiences of these leaders are critical in their development and perceptions (Northouse, 2022, p. 222).

Authentic leaders are genuine, lead with their heart while working toward a vision, and are consistent. Thinking about authentic leadership, address the following:

What are five characteristics of      authentic leaders?

Of the characteristics noted, why are      these characteristics important for authentic leaders to possess?

Identify an authentic leader and      describe how he/she inspires followers.

Explain how emotional intelligence      impacts an authentic leader’s behavior.

  1. Identify three steps that you can take      to become an emotionally-intelligent, authentic leader.

West Coast University Sex Education Discussion


Post a draft of your scientific and mathematical/analytical inquiry paper for peer review. You should also post your level 1 and level 2 research questions. Identify any questions or challenges you faced with the assignment, or mention something new you learned about the research question and inquiry paper process. Pose specific questions you would like your peers to address.

In your responses, provide your peers with specific feedback, constructive criticism, suggestions for improvement, and ideas for resources or support. Comment to a minimum of two peers. Remember that your feedback and support are important!

GC Thinking About Future Discussion


Complete a brief paper (1 ½ -2 pages, MLA double spaced) discussing what you might need to do (aside from completing your undergraduate degree) to move from where you are now to where you eventually want to be. What volunteer work, internships, campus activities, etc. could you undertake to make yourself more attractive to a future employer of your choice? What exams or certificates do you need? Will you need to go to graduate school? If so, where? 1st person allowed. MLA format double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader) for Component C.

NURS 646 WCU WK 6 Secondary Headaches in The Form of Balance Change Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Question 1: Discuss the characteristics of common headaches—migraine, cluster, and tension—and describe their evaluation and treatment options. What prevention strategies would you advise?

Question 2: Clara has a five-week history of epigastric pain that is worse after she eats. The pain is minimally relieved by Mylanta or burping. She has come to your office for evaluation and your initial impression is gastritis. What is your recommendation and treatment plan? What clinical guidelines support your decision and why?

GCU Brief Case Study


For this assignment, write a 500-750 word report of current behaviors or events occurring in a format known as a brief. The brief is written to keep student’s parents or guardians abreast of their child’s progress, and to highlight specific support systems in place within the classroom and school for the student.

Review the case study in the “Social and Emotional Development Parent Case Study and Brief” and complete the brief.

The key to this assignment is to keep your audience, parents and guardians, in mind, demonstrate compassion and care, and communicate effectively to maximize comprehension.

Rutgers University History Essay


Students will write a four-page review on Timothy Coogan’s article “Mill Workers and their World: Adams Massachusetts.” The review should focus on the lives of the mill workers and their relationship to the mill owners. Students can also look at issues in society, economics and politics wittin the article. I would suggest focusing on four or five points that Coogan talks about in the article and go into depth on those points. Review is due November 29.Students should discuss four or five points that the author makes and explain the significance of those points.

SEU Unit 5 Handball Physical Activity Discussion


Write about all the specific sports, each sport in a separate paragraph


Write about all eight sports that are specific to you

Each topic is in a different paragraph, and a title must be written for each paragraph

6 of the accompanying words should be used in each paragraph (Use highlighter)

Grammar rules must be used in at least three sentences per paragraph (Use highlighter)

Each paragraph should consist of 12 useful sentences (writing in the form of an article or paragraph)

Avoid plagiarism from any source and write from your imagination, taking into account the specified conditions

ERAU MOD 4 Maintain Economies of Scale for The Production Process Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Identify four primary functions of inventory, and give a practical example to illustrate each function in an action related to an aviation or aerospace operation.
  • Define three account categories of inventory carrying costs and provide a concrete example or illustration of each such cost applied in the aviation or aerospace fields.
  • Compare and contrast the effects of three main transportation cost factors on how those factors influence the choice of air transport versus the use of truck or rail transport.