ENG 102 JCTC Childhood Obesity: A Way Forward Essay


Choose your research topic. It may be any topic that interests you, but it should be a topic about which you can find sufficient information to research and from which you can form a conclusion. It must be at least 6 pages long not including a title page or the Works cited page. You must include at least 6 sources. You must use at least 2 direct quotes, and least 2 summaries, and at least 2 paraphrases. You must include both in-text citations and a Works Cited Page all in MLA format.

DCCC Hurt and Death in Domestic Violence Relationships Presenation


Put 10 to 12 slides of PowerPoint presentation together addressing women killed or hurt in domestic violence relationships. Please explain the questions asked below on the PowerPoint. PowerPoint must include some photos that go along with the explanation. No index citations or references are needed for this work.

1. Why do women stay in a domestic relationships?

2. What is the psychological impact on them?

3. Why do women get killed or hurt from domestic violence when they leave or try to leave?

4. What is the impact it has on the child or children?

LEG 500 Strayer University Week 3 Estate of Simpson v GM LLC Case Study Summary


Week 3 Activity: Product Liability Law Case Summary
In this activity you review a product liability case and create a brief that summarizes its legal elements.Instructions

Consider the case examples from earlier discussions, then read Estate of Simpson v. GM, LLC.

  1. Using the Week 3 Activity Template [DOCX], accurately summarize the following regarding design, manufacturing, and failure-to-warn causes of action in a brief that effectively lays out the following legal elements of the case:

The holding of the court and its reason(s).

Applicable product liability defect law.

Proceedings history.

Party arguments.

Case facts.

The Techniques of Passing Technical Information Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.

Now that you’ve read about methods to articulate technical information, it’s time to put those concepts to use!

Using either your Week 14 or this week’s draft of your Final Paper, choose 2 sections where you use any of the methods of articulating complex information as discussed in this week’s reading.

When you’ve selected your 2 sections, write 1-2 paragraphs about each explaining which methods you used, and why you felt they were effective ways to convey your information.

CUNY College of Staten Island Act III and Act IV Of Richard the 3Rd Forger Book Report


Use only the assigned book. Richard the 3rd Folger edition

follow the prompt for  Acts III and IV .

PROMPT:  For the Acts you are including,  do the following 1) select up to 6 lines from the Act that no other student before you posted and cite them MLA style for a play. Then for both Acts [DONE IN SEPARATE PARAGRAHS], examine a specific aspect of one character. [It does not have to be the same character in both Acts.] Look closely and examine the language, rhetorical devices, situations, and imagery Shakespeare provides. 

PSY 150 RCC Civil Engineering Daily Activities and Responsibilities Paper


Write about the career you have chosen to pursue. In this part of the paper you should include:

1. A description of the career you have decided to pursue.

2. The reasons why you have chosen this job/career.

3. The daily activities/responsibilities involved in your future job/career.

4. Education & training required for the job/career.

5. The salary range for the job/career you have chosen.

6. A description of the places/work settings where you might be working.

GCCCD Allocation of Basic Incomes Paper


Choose a shape } Position or Proposal Argument.

Choose a topic} Space Exploration, Private Prisons or Basic Income for Position OR Wildfires, Food Insecurity or Homelessness for Proposal.

  1. Revisit the Page that details your shape prior to writing the essay as the Pages give you instructions to complete the assignment.

Write a Thesis Statement that states a stance (Position) or offers a solution (Proposal).

Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that compelling and convincing evidence is used.

  1. Acknowledge the opposition and address it via refutation or concession.

Make use of transitionsActions.

MCC President Erdogan Paper Outline


Formal Outline: requires clearly defined headings and subheadings

Always begin outlines by stating the thesis or purpose in the beginning.

Topic Outline: uses just a few words or phrases to indicate the topics and sub-topics

Sentence Outline: sums up what each topic and subtopic will be about in one sentence

REQUIRED Outline format:

Thesis: a complete sentence with a statement + 3 reasons

I. Reason # 1


B. quotations/information to help back first reason


II. Reason # 2


B. quotations/information to help back second reason


III. Reason # 3


B. quotations/information to help back third reason


Conclusion: a complete sentence restating the thesis above

Logistics and Supply Chain Discussion



a.What video did you select and what topic is mentioned in the video that piqued your interest? Why?

b.Briefly describe some of the topics mentioned in the video.

If you selected Video 1 answer the following questions:

  1. What is demand management integration? Why is it important
  1. What is S&OP? How is it described in the video?
  1. How is S&OP different from CPFR (you can look this up)?
  1. What is the impact of uncertainty on the supply chain when taking into consideration DSI?
  1. What are your takeaways from the video as it relates to the TFC simulation?

Life University KFC Business Plan Paper


This paper will provide the foundation for the development of an international business plan for a global business enterprise.  Each assignment is designed to research information on one or more components of an international business plan. 


  • Using the global business that you identified in week one, develop a business plan for a competitive global business. Develop the mission for your global business, discuss the proposed goods or services, and describe the potential international markets for the goods and services.
  • Analyze competitors
  • Assess the following environments that may impact your global business: Economic-Geographic, Social-Cultural, and Political-Legal