College American Imperialism Era Reflection


In your paper this week, please evaluate the following in the Imperialism era:

What contributed to U.S. emergence as a world power? 

What were results of the drive to world power? 

  • Book: Foner, Eric, Give Me Liberty!, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton:  get EITHER the full edition
    Vol. 2 OR the Seagull edition Vol. 2.  Make sure it is the 6th.  
    ? Foner, Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th ed., W.W. Norton
    ? W.W. Norton, Digital Resource Access for Give Me Liberty 6 th ed.  Online access to text 

Collin College Marketing Kia & Chevrolet Blog Discussion


BLOG 1: Could I please get your help in creating a “Which used Kia is Right for Me?” blog? I just need 4-5 paragraphs and have attached an example above.



Used Kia Car, Used Kia SUV


4-5 Paragraphs

BLOG 2: Could I please get your help in creating a “Which used Chevrolet is Right for Me?” blog? I just need 4-5 paragraphs and have attahed an example above.



Used Chevrolet Truck, Used Chevrolet SUV 

Mock Interview Questions


Role: Business Analyst / Software Engineer / Software Developer

Organization: PNC Bank


  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Where Do You See Yourself in 5 or 10 Years?
  • Give an example of how you’ve worked on a team effectively.?
  • What can you bring/contribute to the company?
  • Why do you think you are a good fit for this position?
  • What is the biggest challenge you have faced and what steps did you take to overcome it?
  • List five things that others/co-workers describe about yourself?
  • Why Do You Want to Work Here?’

PILL 434 West Coast University Week 3 Human Genetics and Eugenics Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This week, we are learning about issues surrounding human genetics and eugenics, including stem cell research, cloning, and genetic testing and treatment.

  • Choose and describe a scientific technique or practice related to genetics and eugenics. Provide the rationale behind the use of this technique or practice.
  • Discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding the technique or practice. Is it ever justifiable? Why or why notInclude reference and APA 7 citations

New York University Re Aim Framework Paper & Presentation


Use RE-AIM Framework ((Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance ) to do an evaluation of the Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. However, you only need to do the Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance part. Just do a Powerpoint for this, and write a transcript for me, please. You can using the documents and links, or you can search online. Thank you.





The Powerpoint must have picture and must be around for 4 minutes for this presentation

ENG 1102 EDP Visual Aids as Prereading Strategies Project


Visual aids as pre-reading strategies

Sending file: Group Project – Visual aids as pre-reading strategies

Activity Objective

You will develop a cooperative Project in which you will use 3 different visual aids strategies to demonstrate understanding.


For this work, you must:

  1. Meet online in groups of 2-3;
  2. Choose a topic discussed in the course: Major literary genres, elements of the short story, poetry, or elements of drama.
  3. Develop a Frayer model, a Sequence model, and a Cause and Effect model about a story, poem, or article.

frayer model y cause and effect

Bellevue College Sir Gawain Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Now that you have read the entirety of Sir Gawain, consider how he measures up to the qualities represented on his shield. Remember that the pentangle represents, among other things, “friendship and fraternity with fellow men,/ purity and politeness that impressed at all times, / and pity” (2.652-4). Using evidence from the poem, argue that he does or does not uphold one of these qualities.

San Diego State University Period of Porfirio Diaz Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The period of Porfirio Diaz had many successes and many failures. So many failures it inevitably led to a costly and destructive revolution that led to a tremendous loss of lives, property and money. For this discussion pretend you are Diaz. What would you have done differently and what similar things would you have done to secure Mexico and avert a revolution? Or was a revolution inevitable?

WCU Gandhi, Movie Review Discussion


Several themes can be addressed in “Ghandi” including but not limited to the following: the role of religion in addressing prejudice and injustice; the intersection of various religions and religious people, specifically Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam; the intersection of violence and politics, religion and politics; the impact of colonialization. 

Religion under review: Name one–Judaism/Christianity/Islam/Buddhism/etc.

1. Summary of the plot and characters (100 words max) 

2. Analysis of scenes, dialogue, symbols and their religious significance/meaning (Main Paragraph)

3. A brief conclusion that highlights the religious message of the film (short conclusion)

Florida International University Domination and Cultural Hegemony Analysis



For each of the three case studies (1)the Bedouin in Veiled Sentiments; 2) Tehran, Iran in Persepolis, and 3) Amman, Jordan in Everyday Piety) , do the women feel as though they are being forced or pressured to veil (indicating domination) or do they feel as though they are making their own choices about when to veil (which could indicate cultural hegemony, but not necessarily.) In your opinion, which of the three case studies comes closest to a case of cultural hegemony and why?