University of Georgia Aristotle Contribution to Physics Discussion


A three pages paper over the engineer, physicist, chemist, inventor, or a mathematician. Describe what they contributed to their field, that is, what they did for the science and not just simple biography.Cite at least three sources, using Chicago style, the bibliography won’t count for the three pages. And actually cite them in the body of the paper with bibliography in the end.Which format you choose is not important as long as there is a format. Steer clear of Isaac Newtown and Marie Curie.

Parenting Styles Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In a two-page (500-word) paper, construct a comparison and contrast essay that incorporates one of the following guidelines:

  • Compare a book you’ve read to the movie adaptation (such as Lord of the Rings, A.I., or The Color Purple).
  • Compare two different kinds of cancer. 
  • Compare parenting styles.
  • Choose your own topic. 
  • Consider what your topic has to offer your reader. Why should this comparison be interesting and/or relevant to your audience?

Miami Dade College Main Goal of The Paris Agreement Questions


Here is the movie link

And this is the questions

  1. What is the main goal of the Paris Agreement? And what it means for the world as a collective effort to address this issue?
  2. How an economy based on fossil fuel affects our environment nowadays? Why the hesitation about alternative sources of energy?
  3. Regardless of your political position, ethically speaking, why should we have to take these issues seriously and what recommendation would you like to make about it?
  4. What touches you the most about this documentary?

Russia Ukraine War Research Essay


Write a research essay on the following topic:

Due to the  recent Russia-Ukraine war, the international oil price is rising. What  are the implications of the rising oil price on developing countries’  Balance of Payments, Development Finance, Inflation, External trade, and  inflation? Give rational arguments based on the topics learned in the  second half of the course. Do you think the measures currently taken by these governments are sufficient? If not, what other policies would you like to suggest based on theory and global evidence? 

PSYC 307 Bowie State University Personality of Psychology Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using Sullivan’s interpersonal personality theory, analyze Stacy’s behavior by answering the following questions.

How could Stacy’s interactions be characterized?

How could these interactions be considered “personality” according to Sullivan’s theory?

  1. What would Stacy have to do to form a true relationship, according to Sullivan’s theory?
  2. How did Stacy’s experiences affect her personality? Give examples from different stages of her life.
  3. According to Abraham Maslow, which of Stacy’s needs have been fulfilled?

ATBU The Benedict Option & Christ and Culture Discussion


Discuss where “The Benedict Option” (Dreher) falls in Niebuhr’s five-fold paradigm of Christ and Culture (Carson). What might Carson’s critiques be of what Dreher is recommending? Discuss what might be some of the values of adopting some or all of the Benedict order.

The student will post one thread of at least 400 words. Where appropriate, major points should be supported by lecture material, Scripture, examples, and/or thoughtful analysis.

Dreher, R. (2018). The benedict option: A strategy for Christians in a post-Christian nation. Sentinel.

Lmu OConnor A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis


The essay regards, Write a paper that analyzes the deeper meaning of one of the stories listed below AND makes an argument about why this story should still matter today. Your story choices are: Bierce, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge;” Ellison “Battle Royale;” O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to Find;” Walker, “Everyday Use;” Kafka, “The Metamorphosis.”

You may not write on Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper.

Here is a website that you can search any of these short stories on and download them freely

Desmond Tutu Nobel Lecture Summary

Question Description

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please read Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s 1984 Nobel Lecture, entitled Apartheid’s “Final Solution,” and write a 1-2 page summary and commentary on what you consider to be the lecture’s central point.  

Tutu’s Nobel Lecture is located at pp. 85-94 in, The Rainbow People of God. (I think this is the link to the text but I’m not sure if its the right part, just double-check for me)…

Middle Tennessee State University Dragon Hoops Graphic Novel Essay


Write 3-4 Pages Essay about Dragon Hoops Graphic Novel. 

Graphic novelists use braiding (repeated similar images) to
suggest relationships between characters and/or their situations. Throughout the book, you see
panels in which you see only a character’s legs as s/he takes a step. Gene Luen Yang
emphasizes this motif by writing “step” in the panel. Look through the book and then discuss
any patterns you see (which characters “step” in what kinds of situations). Finally, explain how
you can read “step” in this book as a visual symbol


Saudi Electronic University Specific Eight Sports Essay



  • Write about all eight sports that are specific to you
  • Each topic is in a different paragraph, and a title must be written for each paragraph
  • 6 of the accompanying words should be used in each paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Grammar rules must be used in at least three sentences per paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Each paragraph should consist of 12 useful sentences (writing in the form of an article or paragraph)
  • Avoid plagiarism from any source and write from your imagination, taking into account the specified conditions