NSU Mental Health In the USA Discussion


Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the prevalence of psychological disorders and suicidal ideations among adults in the United States was increasing. More youth and young adults, of all races and ethnicities, are struggling with their mental health. What factors do you think are contributing to this increase? Why?


Discussion posts should be a minimum of 150 words with answers detailed enough to identify the main issue of the question or problem. Your answer or position should be clear and supported with correct APA citation.

Etiquette TEDx Talk Discussion


1. Watch the TEDx talk:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j5V-Hj6m9s (Links to an external sit.)

2. Add a comment with 2-3 takeaways of how you can apply it to your own lives. l.

3. Expand on your takeaways with a 1 1/2 – 2 page response/reflection on how you believe politeness and good manners can be best practiced in your daily lives, especially in 2022! Please add how you see good manners as evolving, good, bad, or otherwise

Athletic Trainers and How They Cater to Certain Athletes for Recovery Workouts Essay


Please make this research question have something to do with athletic trainers, injury/recovery. You have to make your own reachsearch question surrounding this topic.

i. The research question: The success of a literature review hinges on having a careful, focused research question. This takes time and usually requires multiple revisions to the question.

  • Selection criteria. How did you decide to exclude or include studies? These decisions usually hinge on how you have defined the key variables in your research question.
  • How is the paper organized? (themes)

Saudi Electronic University Specific Eight Sports Essay



  • Write about all eight sports that are specific to you
  • Each topic is in a different paragraph, and a title must be written for each paragraph
  • 6 of the accompanying words should be used in each paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Grammar rules must be used in at least three sentences per paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Each paragraph should consist of 12 useful sentences (writing in the form of an article or paragraph)
  • Avoid plagiarism from any source and write from your imagination, taking into account the specified conditions

KU How the Republicans Were Searching for A Volunteer Reflection


: (1)  Summarize the major themes from the assigned secondary source readings 

(2) Analyze at least one of the  assigned primary source documents in-depth in relation to the assigned secondary source readings and/or  lectures

(3) Relate the assigned reading to something discussed earlier this semester or to a current event  or personal life experience.

Royko Boss Page 155-194 (Secondary Source)

William, From the Bullet to the Ballot Ch.4 (Secondary Source)

Jane Article (Pirmary Source)

A black womans View of Womans Liberation (Primary Source)

CWLU statement of purpose (Primary Source)

CFIPH Should We Trust Cryptocurrencies Currencies Questions


Should we trust cryptocurrencies currencies, like bitcoin the way we trust government issued money?

Minnesota School of Business Code of Federal Air Regulations Essay


Hello, I attached the question and its requirements. The QUESTION and the Instructions are provided in doc file which explained the requirements specifically. I also attached the previous projects (training/certifications and knowledge of Code of Federal Air Regulations. written in the instruction) which will help you in this project. Please follow the instructions exactly to deliver the required information. Make sure to deliver it with an appropriate format. Ask me if there are any doubts.

note: don’t forget to cite with working links

LIT 307 University of Nevada Las Vegas The Woman Warrior Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a literature question and need support to help me learn.

In what ways do you see “Mothers, Lock Up…” intersecting with our previous readings?

In what ways does this story feels distinctive from our previous readings?

  • Why do you think this story about Korean adoptees is told in the genre of horror? (Or, what do you think the impact is of telling this story about Korean adoptees via horror)
  • Readings we were read: ” The Woman Warrior” “The Best We Could Do”

CCF Cultural Heritage of the Great Sage Plain Video Discussion


Critical Thinking Questions

1. Topic-PurposeWhat is the topic/purpose of the video/article?

2. Assumptions – What is an assumption that the video/article makes?

3. Gaps and absences Can you think of kinds of evidence, arguments, or interpretations that seem missing or even avoided?

4. Authority Do the authors explore alternative possibilities and interpretation that stimulate further debate and analysis?

5. PersonalWhat is your personal reaction to the video / article? What did you learn from the article/video?https://www.archaeologychannel.org/video-guide-sum…



College American Discrimination Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Give an example of a circumstance where you have experienced or witnessed discrimination, microaggressive behavior, bias or racism. This is a sensitive and vulnerable topic. Be gentle with yourself and others. Share something you feel comfortable with. Describe how you or others have been affected by microaggressive, bias, discriminatory or racist behaviors? Share ideas on how we can reduce discrimination, bias and/or micro-aggressive behavior?