CC Male & Female Skulls Differ Greatly and Have Specific Features Question

Question Description

I’m working on a anthropology practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Q1- You have excavated a mass grave containing many co-mingled (mixed-up) bones. From the assemblage of bones listed below, calculated the minimum number of individuals (MNI) present:

1 adult skull
1 child skull (determined to be child based on size and sutures)
7 right ribs
2 left ribs
2 adult left femurs
1 adult right femur
1 child right femur

What is the MNI for this assemblage? Your answer should be a number.

Q2- What types of information can forensic anthropology provide about an individual based on their skeletal remains?

Q3- Describe differences in the skull between males and females, making sure to include the following features: general robusticity, supraorbital (brow) ridge, mastoid process, nuchal region, chin.

Q4- Describe differences in the male and female pelvis, making sure to include the following features: ventral arc, ischio-pubic ramus, and subpubic concavity.

Q5- According to forensic anthropologists, can age at death be estimated more accurately for juveniles (individuals under 18) or adults? Explain your answer.

Q6- Which bones and which bone features are most useful in estimating age in adults?

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