CKC Provide a Set of Unit & Integration Assessment in Computer Science Question


Using the attached Spring program, provide a set of Unit and Integration tests for the following files:


Each test suite should use the convention of using the original file name with Test appended as a suffix.

For each test case you should:

  • (5 points) Identify inputs and outputs that exist in the function and test them.
  • (3 points) Identify edge cases that will cause the current tests to fail and include these as tests.
  • (2 points) Fix the associated methods to account for the failed test cases.

Total 10 points.


  • The Toy and ToySettings classes have a number of setters and getters + some evaluative methods. You should test all of these.
  • Private methods are not directly testable. In this case, you should find a public method to call instead.
  • Common edge cases include null, 0, empty string, and negative numbers.
  • The main integration test(s) should occur inside a class.

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