Cohabitation and Its Impact on Family Essay
1. Choose a subject that appeals to you in one of the chapters to research in
relation to the American Family today. Clear it with me before you begin if
it is not on this list.
Selecting a Partner
Hooking Up
Living Apart Together (LAT)
Divorce– The impact or effects of divorce on Children
Single Parenting
Domestic Violence
Alternate Family Forms
Older People and their Families
Globalization and Families
Family history in relation to a particular ethnic group
Effects of Covid 19 on Families and inequality of classes (include
poverty, food insecurity, job loss etc.)
2. You are to have a minimum eight (8) references. Three of the eight
references must represent one each of the following *:
A newspaper article
An Internet article
A chapter from a book
An article from a journal
An article from the popular press
*From eight reference sources you must choose at least three types
For example, you could have three newspaper articles, two Internet
articles and three articles from a journal = eight references from 3 sources.
These references should be current within the last 5 years. I will
accept 1 classic reference (like those older ones listed in your text.)
Classic means that it is groundbreaking and often cited in literature even
years later
3. The paper must be a minimum of eight (8) pages, doubled spaced and
word processed or typed and attached in the assignment area. These
eight pages do not include the reference page!Remember when
attaching, it should be a document that I can open such as .doc,
.docx, .rtf, .pdf , .odt or .txt. I cannot open Works or Word Perfect
or .pages, so I cannot grade them. There should only be ONE document
thatincludes the 8 pages of research conclusions and 1 page of
references. Do not use 2 separate documents or you will be graded
4. The paper is to have the due date and the subject of your research and a
reference page at the end with correct references (using APA style). Use
the reference format as seen in References in the back of the textbook.
This paper should be grammatically correct so be sure to use Spell check
and check your grammar. If the paper has more than 4 grammatical
errors on the first page, I wont grade it. If you have any doubts, please
go to the writing lab for help. If English isn’t your first language then you
may need help from the ESL department or tutoring for further help.
5. You may choose the way in which you approach your research. For
example, if the subject is divorce, you may research the effects of divorce
on children, or how divorce affects the economy of the family, or how it
affects those who are actually divorcing. If you have any questions on
your approach to your research, do not hesitate to talk to me during office
hours or message me via the conversation area or Pronto.
6. You are to include a paragraph or two as to why you choose the
subject and if and how it has personal meaning to you.This helps me to
understand your perspective. Please be careful not to make the paper
based solely upon your beliefs without using the text and references you
choose as the basis and not your opinion as an essay on the subject.
7. At the very end of the paper, you will write a paragraph of how the subject
matter of your paper has effected or might affect how the American family
has changed/is changing. For example, if your subject is domestic
violence, you might discuss how laws and safe houses that are available
have helped protect women more today than in the past. This paragraph
should be a combination of your research and what you have observed.
8. Please keep in mind that you are not to plagiarize in any form. Yours
should be an original work. If you are going to use information from
another source, please reference it and put it into quotes.As long as
you cite of the source and use quotes, you are not plagiarizing. Copying
from another person in class is also considering plagiarism. If
plagiarism is found you will get a “0” for your paper. For clarification on
what plagiarism is and how to avoid it go to and…
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