COMM 199C San Jose State University Time Hacking Discussion



When, Chapter 5, Endings

When, Chapter 6, Synching Fast and Slow

First Time Hack Description. Clearly and completely discussed activity and appropriately applied relevant concepts. 225+ words

Second Time Hack Description. Clearly and completely discussed activity and appropriately applied relevant concepts. 225+ words

Insights. Reflected on what you learned from the readings and activities. Applied what you’ve learned to your own experiences related to the activities and readings. Offered key insights and provided connections with previous coursework, disciplinary concepts, and the like. 150+ words

You must post your application message by the deadline to earn credit for your comment messages.

Include and label these sections in your message using boldface to identify the concepts you  apply:

  1. Chapter 5 Time Hacker’s Handbook. Create a better ending for your workday following Pink’s suggestions on pages 170-171. Include these sections: 
    1. Identify your accomplishments for the day.
    2. Describe your plan for the following day. What are you goals for the next day?
    3. Send someone a thank you email or text. Describe the email/text, and if you received a response, include a short description of it.
    4. Apply at least two concepts or ideas from Chapter 5 to the better ending to your workday that you created. Clearly define and explain the concepts or ideas and show their relevancy to the activity you completed.
  2. Chapter 6 Time Hacker’s Handbook. Try out one of the improv exercises Pink describes on pages 204-207. You’ll need at least one other person to complete the exercise. Use Facetime, Zoom, or other video conferencing as needed. Include these sections: 
    1. Describe which exercise you chose. What happened? How did you feel as you were doing the exercise and then when you were done? What was the outcome? Provide sufficient detail here so your classmates can get a sense of how the exercise went for you.
    2. Apply at least two concepts or ideas from Chapter 6 to your experience. Clearly define and explain the concepts or ideas and show their relevancy to your the activity you completed.
  3. Insights gained. What insights have you gained into endings and group work by completing these activities and reading these chapters in When?

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