Cultural Diversity and its Impact on Attitudes
What is your definition of culture and why? Explain how experience shapes one’s attitude toward cultural diversity. Give examples.
How can marketing principles be applied to the creation of a compelling resume and cover letter? Discuss the key elements that make these job application tools stand out to potential employers and provide examples of how you would market your skills and experiences effectively?
1. Definition of Culture
In trying to understand another culture, that is, learning its language, its folklore, and its institutions, we are to understand its people. If we truly want to understand ourselves, our own culture, and the culture of people who are different from us, we must make the effort to step out of our comfort zone and venture to the places and situations where we are exposed to something new. Only then will we break the barriers that are set amongst people of different cultural groups. Only then will we understand the feeling of alienation that a person of a different culture in our own society feels. Only then is it possible to understand the vast differences of cultural groups and the impact they have on our society.
A formal definition of culture is the sum total of the learned behavior of a group of people that is generally considered to be the tradition of that people and is transmitted from generation to generation. Culture is a total way of life and thinking patterns that are passed down from generation to generation. It also includes the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life. The importance of culture lies in its close association with the ways and living of a people. Culture is, in fact, a product of living experience and stands deeply rooted in man’s learned behavior.
1.1. Importance of Culture in Society
Culture provides the key to understanding who we are and why we behave as we do. Most human behavior is learned. Cultures differ greatly in the extent to which they rely on the collective learning process and in the domains in which the learning is most cumulative. Because culture is so ingrained in our behavior, culture is important in the understanding of consumer behavior, and it is important that business models adapt to consumer behaviors. Business models cannot change a culture but must adapt to the already existing culture of the consumer in mind. A true understanding of culture enables business to be culturally relative, adapting the product or service to the cultural expectations of the consumer. This is a great tool in making consumers feel comfortable and at ease with the product and, in turn, making the product a part of the person’s learned culture. This is the point where a product or brand can become so closely identified with a cultural way of life that it becomes part of a consumer’s routine and self-concept. This is the ideal state for a product as the marketing and product development costs are relatively low and the profit high.
It is well known that culture is a way of behaving that has been passed down from one generation to another. It is the shared patterns of behavior and interactions, cognitive constructs, and understanding that are learned by socialization. It can also be understood as information that has been stored in long-term memory. Culture is primarily learned from the family and is a macro influencer in an individual’s life. This can be seen when a person from one particular culture is greatly different from the social standards of another culture. This is usually due to the difference in socialization in the culture. This is important for marketing and market research as it is behavior and therefore can be altered. Understanding consumer culture is fundamental in the study of consumer behavior. It is pertinent that consumer research attempts to understand a consumer’s symbol system or the socially constructed associations between consumer products and lifestyle.
Culture is the way of life for an entire society. It includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior, and systems of belief. Cultures have a deep impact on consumer behavior and play a key role in the marketing strategy of a business. The concept of culture is particularly important when attempting to understand buying habits and behavior in different consumers. Culture can be divided into subcultures such as nationality, religion, racial groups, and geographic regions.
1.2. Characteristics of Culture
Edward B. Tylor – an English anthropologist was the first to coin the term culture in the 19th century. He defined culture “as all complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” According to this definition, anything learned or shared can be a part of culture. This includes behavior which, while being acquired, is transmitted as well. Culture is shared: it is not something which an individual alone can possess. For example, the customs, traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc. are not unique to one individual but are common to the group or society to which he belongs. These are the result of the interaction with others. But these customs and values keep on changing with time. This shows that culture is not rigid and can change to adapt to external or internal influences. A culture is a set of standards used to evaluate other cultures. This is known as ethnocentrism, i.e. the tendency to use one’s own culture as a yardstick against which to measure other cultures. A culture is a subsystem in the larger society and also a culture may have its own subcultures, e.g. there are various cultures which make up India or Pakistan.
Culture is a broad term which has been described by various anthropologists in diverse ways. It consists of customs, traditions, habits, values, beliefs, and the like which are acquired by individuals and help them to live a better life. Culture has been called “the way of life for an entire society.” As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior, and systems of belief. It was a simple definition of culture some years ago. But today, culture is an umbrella which includes all the above-mentioned parameters.
1.3. Components of Culture
Music will be understood by everyone, but only further interested by several people. The United States of America is a home to various music, starting from native tribal music to modern music. Just like language, music is also a symbol. Learning from different genres of music is a sign of acceptance from a culture. This can happen because the rate of music understanding is quite high. It is usually much easier to understand music than learning a language. A high level understanding of music can also push someone to learn the culture behind the music. Music can be an environmental advantage for people migrating to another culture.
Symbols have an impact, apart from just being the pretty things seen from anywhere. They can be used for suggestions, message sending, and be the sign that an act has been done. Cultural diversity is possible because people can understand the message and the meaning of a symbol, then receive it in the same way as the sender. The United States of America, as we all know, does not have an official language. The government, communities, and schools are free to use other languages for people interested in using them. People are also free to choose which language they want their children to learn at school. This statement of freedom shows that the idea is to make a better understanding for everyone about the information that is delivered through some kind of suggestions, messages, or signs without reducing the quality of it.
2. Experience and Attitude Formation
2.1. Influence of Experience on Attitudes
2.2. Role of Exposure in Shaping Attitudes
2.3. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
3. Cultural Diversity and Attitude Formation
3.1. Understanding Cultural Diversity
3.2. Impact of Cultural Diversity on Attitudes
3.3. Benefits of Embracing Cultural Diversity
4. Examples of Experience Shaping Attitudes
4.1. Traveling and Exposure to Different Cultures
4.2. Interacting with People from Diverse Backgrounds
4.3. Education and Cultural Awareness Programs
5. Marketing Principles in Resume and Cover Letter
5.1. Applying Marketing Strategies to Job Applications
5.2. Highlighting Unique Selling Points
5.3. Crafting a Compelling Personal Brand
6. Key Elements of an Effective Resume
6.1. Clear and Concise Presentation
6.2. Relevant Skills and Experiences
6.3. Quantifiable Achievements
7. Key Elements of an Effective Cover Letter
7.1. Personalized Introduction and Salutation
7.2. Showcasing Fit with Company Culture
7.3. Expressing Enthusiasm and Motivation
8. Examples of Effective Job Application Marketing
8.1. Showcasing Transferable Skills
8.2. Demonstrating Results and Impact
8.3. Tailoring Application to Specific Job Requirements
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