Essex County College What is a Tunnel & Types of them Discussion


answer the following with one paragraph –> What tunnel linings, primary and secondary can, be used in soft ground and rock tunnels? Under what conditions would each be selected? A major part of tunnel design has to do with linings. It is important for you to understand the various types of linings that may be used in certain types of tunnels and how they change with the type of rock or soil encountered. answer the following in a separate document –> In Florida, the Intercostal Waterway runs along the east coast. In order to cross the waterway, the State of Florida elects to use bridges for road traffic. This means that the bridges need to be quite high at the center to allow the passage of sailboats. What would be the advantages and disadvantages in using immersed tubes instead?

Immersed tube tunnels generally are the most advantageous for crossing a river or body of water. You should be aware of the application of this method and the different steps of assembly of the pieces. You should consider the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of tunnel. Look at the use of immersed tube tunnels versus excavated tunnels. Address questions such as where are the portals, how deep should the tunnel be and the like. answer the following in one paragraph —> You are faced with a significant claim related related to discovery of a previously unknown underground storage tank (it was not shown on the drawings and was not included in the scope of work) that has created has caused the project to stop. In order to remove the tank, the General Contractor was directed to hire a Subcontractor and file a permit with the municipality. It took the three weeks to mobilze the Subcontractor. When the Subcontractor started work, they were ordered to stop of the Building Inspector because the permit application was not submitted, which two weeks to approve. When the Subcontractor started work it took two weeks to complete the work.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the duration of the compensational delay

2. What is the part of the delay is the General Contractor is responsible for?

3. What measures could be taken to prevent the delay? answer the following in a separate document —> The following are some suggested term projects that you may select. You may select another if you choose. Please avoid the Lincoln and the Holland Tunnels. Select a topic that interests you. The term paper should be 10 pages which include the write-up, drawings, photos and references. Prepare the report as you would for a professional project. Neat, correct spelling and grammar are required.

The following are some suggested topics:

  1. A specific tunnel project mixed face using shields, tunnel boring machine such as the Sekain Tunnel, the BART Tunnels or the Cumberland Gap Tunnel.
  2. A historic tunnel such as those by the Romans, the St. Clair Tunnel, or the Hoosac Tunnel.
  3. Methods of excavation for soft ground tunneling, hard rock.
  4. Mixed face using shields, tunnel boring machine, drill and blast, roadheader, earth pressure balanced, slurry shield.
  5. Tunnel problems such as fire, flooding or cave-ins.
  6. Subways as in Paris, NYC, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Taiwan.
  7. Water tunnels, railroad tunnels, immersed tube tunnels.
  8. People important to tunneling or tunnel disasters.
  9. Channel Tunnel, Fort McHenry Tunnel, or soft ground tunnels.
  10. Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, Penn Station Tunnels, Detroit Windsor Tunnel.
  11. Tunnel types such as immersed tube, microtunneling, rock tunnels. This term project should include a bit of history concerning your selected topic. It should describe the current status and what is proposed for the future. For people, address their background and how they came to develop their contribution to the industry.Any source material should be documented. The 10 page report should be neat and professional looking. Photos and drawings and charts should be neat and readable. A total score of 100 points may be given, and this represents 20% of your final grade.

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