Florida Atlantic University Human Animal Divide and Speciesism Questions


1) In your own words, explain the human-animal divide and speciesism.

2) Next, discuss how humans use animals in science as well as in entertainment. Give specific examples of humans using animals in the videos Project Nim and also Blackfish. Do you agree or disagree with humans’ use of animals as portrayed in these videos? Explain your answer. Do you feel that humans using animals in these ways is speciesist? Why or why not?

3) Next, discuss how humans use animals to assist humans. Give specific examples of humans using animals in the video Shelter Me. Do you agree or disagree with humans’ use of animals in order to assist humans? Explain your answer. Do you feel that humans using animals in these ways is speciesist? Explain why or why not.

4) Based on our ongoing discussions, and especially the book The Sexual Politics of Meat, discuss the intersection between animal rights and human (especially women’s) rights. For this question you need to show a detailed understanding of the book The Sexual Politics of Meat; a short paragraph about the book will not be sufficient to answer this. When you are summarizing relevant points from the book, please be sure to summarize (to put those points into your own words) Do not do any direct quoting from the book (do not quote word-for-word from the book), or you will not receive credit for this question.  

5) Finally, we learned about some individual efforts within the Animal Rights Movement. We watched the video Vegucated and also the video Unlocking the Cage starring animal rights lawyer Steven Wise. How do their efforts attempt to combat speciesism? Do you agree with their efforts? Explain why or why not.

6) In conclusion, has this class influenced your views regarding nonhuman animals? Explain with specific examples.

Films/books used to answer questions: Project Nim: https://www.documentarymania.com/player.php?title=…

Blackfish: https://archive.org/details/2013-blackfish

Shelter Me: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2313299/

The Sexual Politics of Meat:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51714.The_Sexu…

Vegucated: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=vegucated+doc…

Unlocking the Cage: https://www.unlockingthecagethefilm.com

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