GERO 530 UCLA Article Abstract Presentation
- Allpapersubmissionsmust useAPAstyleguidelines(if youuse anotherstyle -even ifit iscorrect inthat style, youwill lose points) and be grammatically acceptable, double-spaced,left margin, Times New Romansize 12, further, all submissions must be Microsoft Worddocuments (if you submit a .pdf file youwill lose points) and include page numbers. Cite allin-text quotes to help colleagues find your sources.You areexpected touse Headingsand subheadingsto clarifyeach sectionof thepaper.
- Examplesofheadingsandsubheadings:
- Agencyand personaldecision-making
- Timingof lifeexperiences
- Theinfluences ofhistorical eventsand geographicallocation
- Linkedlives andsocial ties(recognizingvariability amongcohorts)
- Individualdevelopment andaging arelifelong processes
- Papersshould beformatted witha header(left-justified) thatincludes studentname, assignmentand coursenumber. Torestate, allassignments willbe entitledas follows:
Your name (last name,first name) Assignment(e.g. Sarton book assignment)
Abstracts(nomore than1-2 pagesin length,double-spaced):
Please use the following format, exactly, to write your abstracts:
- FullAPAstylereferencefor thearticle thatyou areabstracting (Notall ofthe referencesare inAPA styles;be sureto checkthat thisis correct,or youwill losepoints).
- Summarize the thesis or mainidea of this article in one or two clear andconcise sentences. You mightaccomplish thisby beginningyour sentencewith, Theauthor(s)arguedthat Youwill bepenalizedif yourabstractexceeds2-pages.
- Listthree mainpoints fromthe chapteror thearticle. Theseshould betwo tothreesentenceseach. (Yourgoal isto giveother studentsthe benefitof yourevaluation ofthe material).
- Analyzethe articleusing thefollowing headings:
- Whatare theresults and/orconclusions?
- Howdo thesepoints relateto thetopics andthemes addressedin classwork?
- Brieflydiscuss thearticles strengthsand weaknesses.
Thefollowing link is to the Purdue University APA reference site:…rmat.html
The written abstract and the presentation must be from the same article.
WrittenAbstract: to be written in the format shown above.
NarratedPowerPointpresentation: should be based on the written abstract 5-10 slides in length and take no morethan 10minutes
It is important that students notjust read the slides in the narration. They should be prompts toguide your topic. I willdeduct points if you simply read the slides. I want to know what yougot out of the article you are presenting.
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