Hospitality Service Recovery Strategies Discussion


Responses (2 after Thursday): Compare your information to the summaries of your classmates. (2-3 paragraphs)

Initial PosT: the article discusses the issue of service recovery strategies for crowdsourced transportation. One of the points was that disruptions in service quality are the main causes of customer dissatisfaction. Crowdsourcing can improve service quality and customer loyalty by using crowdsourcing-based feedback to provide information on service quality and crowdsource customized solutions for problems as they arise. Crowdsourcing is a model of resource sharing in which an organization invites the general public to contribute ideas, energy, or data without paying monetary compensation (Yuen et al., 2021). Ideas are proposed by submitters and voted on by voters, who are then compensated for their contributions. In contests with monetary rewards, crowdsourcing is similar to a crowdfunding campaign in that early contributors are motivated by the hope of winning a prize. Moreover, loyalty is an important factor for service success in crowdsourced transportation. For example, user loyalty will affect the level of public transport ridership and fare, which significantly influences the service’s future success.


Yuen, K. F., Song, S., Li, X., & Wang, X. (2021). Service recovery strategies for crowdsourced transportation: an examination of their impacts on user loyalty. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-15.

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