HSA 3702 St Petersburg College Psychology Discussion
Please respond to the following 2 discussion posts……
1. A.T Posted….
Research data is defined as any information that has been collected, observed, generated, or created to validate original research findings (Library, 2017). Websters dictionary defines data as information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation. Data may be quantitative (uses numbers) or qualitative (uses words). A data collection instrument, or tool, is a device that the researcher uses to answer questions. The data collection tool must be consistent and reliable to accurately gather data.
Once data is collected, it is analyzed using statistics. Statistics are created from analysis of raw data. Statistics are used to summarize and interpret the data gathered by scientists and researchers (Dr. Lisa Bell, 2022). Data analysis generates the information that we need to answer our research question/s. We analyze our data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistics help researchers draw general conclusions about collected data through analysis of a specific sample. They are the outcome of mathematical analysis of that collected research data.
Statistical methods
Statistics may be either descriptive or inferential. Descriptive statistics summarize data using graphs, tables, and numbers. Inferential statistics allow researchers to generalize research results from a sample to their population. Some common statistical tests are the comparison of means test in which researchers look for the difference between the means and variables, the regression test in which researchers assess if change in one variable predicts change in another variable and the non-parametric test which are used when the data does not meet assumptions required for parametric tests.
Library. (2017). Research Data Management explained. Library. https://library.leeds.ac.uk/info/14062/research_data_management/61/research_data_management_explained#:~:text=Research%20data%20is%20any%20information,as%20laboratory%20notebooks%20and%20diaries
2. J.K Posted…….
There are many terms in research that may cause confusion to people who do not use them often. Data is a term that used in many different aspects but when it comes to research data there are many different formats. Research data is used for scholarly research at all levels of education. It can be a spreadsheet, videos, images, or anything collected to help support the research. Data can be intangible or physical. It can be something as simple as questionnaires or surveys (Albertson, 2021).
Another term used in research is statistics. Many people when they hear statistics they immediately begin to think numbers and ratios. While this is true, statistics in research is actually the study and manipulation of data. Statistics are in fact a way to gather, review, and analyze data. There are two different types of research statistics (Chappelow, 2019). These include descriptive and inferential. Inferential is used when a conclusion needs to be made. While descriptive is used to describe the data sample and population.
The last term that is used frequently is statistical analysis. This is a range of quantitative research that used to collect and analyze data into patterns and trends. Statistical analysis usually use some type of visual such as a graph to show a trend. In business this can show how successful or unsuccessful a business is during certain months or times of the year. It can also show where the business is lacking a population and where they need to expand (What Is Statistical Data Analysis? | Best Statistical Methods 2021, 2021).
All three of these terms are important in understanding research. Data is what is used to build the study. Statistics is the numbers they put together based on the data they found. And statistical analysis is what they gathered from the data and statistics and put it into a visual to show what needs to be done.
Albertson, A. (2021, March 9). All Guides: Data Module #1: What is Research Data?: Defining Research Data. Libguides.macalester.edu. https://libguides.macalester.edu/data1
Chappelow, J. (2019). How Statistics Work. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/statistics.asp
What is Statistical Data Analysis? | Best Statistical Methods 2021. (2021, May 7). Datamation. https://www.datamation.com/big-data/statistical-da…
Please see below for an example of discussion reply……
Examples of Discussion Replies
Responses must be more than a simple, “I agree” or “good post” and a rehash of your peers’ words. Do not simply mix up the words and restate them! When you respond to Discussions posted by other students, your post should be respectful, and add relevant new information to the Discussion.
It is not adequate to just say:
Devin, I agree with your post and I really liked your discussion about social determinants and how they may play a part in mental illness.
Here is an example of a more adequate student reply
Devin, I think many people do think there is something wrong with the way a persons brain works, so it is a medical situation (Szasz, 2011). We think that we can just give medicines to help control the brain and fix the persons behavior. It is just not that easy. I had never thought much about the social aspect of mental disorders, where maybe a person cannot control their behaviors because they are under a lot of stress, or totally overwhelmed with everything that is going on in their life so they behave in ways that we do not see as normal or make us scared of them (Allen, et al., 2014). We rush to put a label on them which says that some sort of mental illness is to blame and that they do not fit in in our society. This seems like an example of social construction of mental illness. We want to name it so we either make it a medical problem so that we can throw some medicine at someone, or we call it mental illness because that person does not fit in our so-called normal society.I believe that this is one thing that happens when you have too many kinds of pills and ads on TV to push on people to make them act normal. It is scary, and I hope that I am never in such a situation!
Allen, J., Balfour, R., Bell, R., & Marmot, M. (2014). Social determinants of mental health. International Review of Psychiatry, 26(4), 392407. https://doi.org/10.3109/09540261.2014.928270
Szasz, T.S. (2011). The myth of mental illness: 50 years later. The Psychiatrist, 35, 179-182.Doi: 10.1192/pb.pb.110.031310
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