LAVC The Business of Being Born Discussion
Research La Leche League.
1. Write in your own words it’s purpose as an Organization. (one paragraph, do not copy from their page)
2. How does it help mothers with breastfeeding?
3. How does a mother get in touch with a La Leche League leader?
4. What is the URL of the organization?
From your textbook choose 1 (one) of the Ten Principles Based on a Philosophy of Respect that are in Chapter 1 and also on the powerpoint (but you need to read them in the book to understand them.)
1. After you choose one, explain in 3 or 4 sentences your understanding of the principle, then…..
2. Write a short role play of how this principle would be used with a child in real life.Like a 2 minute play of what would be happening with an infant ortoddler as an example of this principle in action. (not one from thebook or lecture)
Show me with words a short scenario.
Discussion on Business of Being Born Video
22 unread replies.22 replies.
Watchthe video The Business of Being Born in this Module. The quality is notgreat but I can no longer find it and it is worth watching.
Watchthe Video and then Join in the Discussion. It is 58 minutes long butvery informative if you believe in empowerment for women and nature! Italso makes you aware that you have choices as a woman and don’t have tolet the medical institutions control your birth.
Go to the place on Module that says Business of Being Born Video and left click on the blue link and then Open in a New Window..
Since1987 until 2006 our maternal death rate doubled. This is not goodnews. One thing that we know has changed is more and more medicalinterventions are performed on women before and during birth, hmmm?
After watching The Business of Being Born video answer these questions:
1. What are at least three ideas or facts you learned in watching the video?
2. How do you think you might educate yourself if you were pregnant or the partner of a pregnant woman about birth?
3. What is one question you have about the video?
Remember you post your thoughts and then within the next days, react to 2 other people’s posts, #3total posts in all, and must be over at least 3 different days. Thesecriteria will be considered in your grade. I know when you post. Thedates show up for me. You will not get full credit unless you follow theguidelines.
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