LU Leadership Discussion


The focus of our examination of leadership moves from the individual to the organization.Review the required article “Is Yours a Learning Organization (Links to an external site.),” from the Harvard Business Review. The authors recommend specific practices for learning enhancement in one’s team and organization. The article also highlights three building blocks required for creating learning organizations.

At the bottom of page 6 of the article, a web link is included where students can access the Qualtrics Learning Organization Survey (Links to an external site.). MBA 600 students are expected to complete the survey in full. To complete the online survey, students should consider their current place of employment, or a previous employer. It can be a department, class, store, office, unit, team, or club. Answer honestly and be sure to save a copy of your final screen (print or print screen, capture) which summarizes the company or work unit’s (department’s) ability and willingness to learn and transform. These results speak to the work environment’s culture, and are required as part of the assignment submission.

Assignment Expectations

To complete this activity, students should use the score sheet summary to reflect on the organization examined in the Learning Organization Survey.Students, provide a copy of the summary score sheet, and a brief answer to these presented questions:

Please be sure to include the name and description of the organization you referred to when answering the survey.

  • Which of the three “building blocks” is a strong-suit for the organization?
  • Which “building block” area requires more intentional commitment to improve?
  • How can leadership affect the organization and its culture?
  • Include suggestions for improved employee training, improved culture/reputation, and opportunities for future managers to transform the organization through leadership.

The submission does not need to be an APA paper. Instead, students should submit their capture of the completed survey of results as the first item. Then answer the assignment questions. The paper should be formatted with question first and answer below.

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