Missouri University Management Walgreens Question


I already started the first part of it. Here are the instructions for the second half.
The objective of this Individual Course Project Presentation is to give you the opportunity to recognize and apply the four principles of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and how they correlate into everyday activities in your selected company.

This is an individual assignment.

In the sections below, you will find helpful information for completing your Individual Course Project Presentation. Your assignment is to review and discover how the company you have chosen developed a successful Forbes Global 2000 company (EXCLUDING the Top 100 companies) by means of utilizing the four principles of management.
This course project is broken down into 3 deliverables.
Each student is required to prepare a total of three (3) voice-narrated PowerPoint presentations over the course of the session. Each part builds upon the previous part.

Steps to Select a Company for your Individual Course Project Presentation

Select and access a Forbes Global 2000 company (Links to an external site.) of interest and select a company that is not one of the first 100 companies. You may also choose a company with which you are familiar that may not be in the Forbes Global 2000.
Section Description Points
Slides 6-7 Research and Development Describe the management functions used in the company’s research & development. RESEARCH; Student clearly demonstrates understanding of the functions of management that go beyond “Common Knowledge” and show evidence of research and evaluation concerning theories. 15
Slides 8-9 Marketing Describe the management functions used for marketing. COLLABORATION: Student clearly demonstrates how management functions fosters employee collaboration. 15
Last slide References Minimum of three APA formatted sources. Proper spelling, grammar, and organization are used.
I started the presentation and got bulk done but need some help with the remaining piece. The company I chose was Walgreens and I have attached the initial presentation that I started. I really do struggle with citing and references

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