Portfolio using S3 Bucket Website Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Objective: Using AWS S3 bucket and folders to develop a website in order to showcase your portfolioYou are required to:

1. Search the web and select a job opening of your choice

.2. Create a website, using AWS S3 bucket and AWS S3 folders, as your portfolio related to the requirementsof the job opening picked in Step 1.

At the minimum, this website must include:

  • A landing page, implemented using an AWS S3 bucket, that allows the public access
  • At two images/pictures of your choice
  • At least 3 pages/folders linked from the landing page
  • ? These web pages will show your skills/knowledge related to the requirements of this job opening.

    ? Each of these web pages must be implemented using an AWS S3 folder.

  • HW#4 uses an AWS S3 folder to implement “Course Description”
  • HW#4 uses another AWS S3 folder to implement “Course Objectives”.
  • What to submit for grading?

    (You need to prove that you have completed all required tasks and all tasks worked.)

    Please create a file in MS Word/pdf/PowerPoint format to include the following information:

    1. The URL of the job opening that you found/selected.

    2. The URL for the landing page of your website.

    ? If your submission requires the viewer to look at the screenshot to enter the URL, your

    submission is not acceptable, because an URL can be as long as 2,048 characters.

    ? If the URL requires the viewer to sign onto AWS, your solution is incorrect.

    3. Screenshot of every web page from your website.

    4. Screenshots of S3 bucket and S3 folders (from your AWS account) used in implementing your website.

    5. Screenshots of the folders (from your computer) used in implementing your website

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