Rasmussen Minneapolis Minnesota Nursing Discussion
Personalized Pre-Chemotherapy Education Reduces Peri-Chemo Anxiety in Colorectal Cancer Patient, is a research article that studied the results of colorectal cancer patients who received chemotherapy and if anxiety was an issue with or without prechemo education. Strength- Numbers. 364 patients were involved in this study. 127 were given education before chemotherapy, while 237 did not receive any. Weakness- This study only looks at Colorectal cancer patients and study was done inpatient. This article will provide some supportive evidence to paper but can not be relied upon for sole support.
Chemotherapy Education: An interprofessional approach to standardizing processes and improving nurse and patient satisfaction, is a study of a interprofessional team with a standardized chemo teach and educating nurses to educate new chemo patients. Strength- Done in in a rural area and easier to follow through with patients. Weakness- The chemo teach was generalized and not specific to any one type of cancer. This article will support my rationale for a more standardized chemotherapy education, but can not support on its own.
Chemotherapy Discharge Education Class Improves Patient Safety, discusses having a discharge education class for chemo patients being discharged from the hospital. The article states HCAHPS scores were very low and after instituting the class the scores surpassed the original goal of increasing scores by 10%. Strength- This article shows the importance of education for those receiving chemo. Weakness- Patients were inpatient being discharged. My project stems from an outpatient clinic. This article will support my project by stating the importance of education, but can not maintain that support on its own.
Studies from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Reveal New Findings on Gynecologic Cancer (Evaluating the Effect of a Group Pre-treatment Chemotherapy Psycho-education Session for Chemotherapy-naive Gynecologic Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers) This report is based on a study of educating gynecancer patients and their caregivers before they receives chemo. 83% reported overall less anxiety about treatment after taking the class. Strength- Article re-iterates the importance of prechemo education. Weakness-specific to one type of cancer. This article will support my paper, but not on its own.
The Effect of Peer Education on Management of Chemotherapy Side Effects in Patients with Cancer, is a study with focus on former chemotherapy patients talking about their experiences to new chemo patients. Strengths-new chemo patients are receptive to those who have had previous experience with chemo. Weakness-Each body is different and individuals respond to treatments differently. This article will benefit my paper by supporting education coming from different sources. This article can not solely support my subject.
Empowering patients and caregivers with knowledge: The development of a nurse-led gynecologic oncology chemotherapy education class , talks about a nurse led chemo education class for patients and their caregivers. Strengths- lessened anxiety in patients. Weakness- increased anxiety in caregivers. This article will support my project, not solely strong enough.
Gallegos, R., Kogelman, A., Wagner, M., Cloud, A., Olson, M., Robideau, K., Patrick, L., Comfort, J., & Hirko, K. (2019). Chemotherapy Education: An interprofessional approach to standardizing processes and improving nurse and patient satisfaction. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 23(3), 309314. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1188/19.CJON.309-314
Goodman, A. (2017). Chemotherapy Discharge Education Class Improves Patient Safety. Oncology Nurse-APN/PA, 10(4), 26.
Jivraj, N., Gallagher, L. O., Papadakos, J., Abdelmutti, N., Trang, A., & Ferguson, S. E. (2018). Empowering patients and caregivers with knowledge: The development of a nurse-led gynecologic oncology chemotherapy education class. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 28(1), 412. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.5737/2368807628147
Leyla Alilu, Leila Heydarzadeh, Hossein Habibzadeh, & Javad Rasouli. (2021). The effect of peer education on management of chemotherapy side effects in patients with cancer. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 26(1), 8184. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_227_19
Li, S., Li, L., Shi, X., Wang, M., Song, X., & Cui, F. (2021). Personalized Prechemotherapy Education Reduces Peri-Chemotherapy Anxiety in Colorectal Cancer Patients. Disease Markers, 15. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1155/2021/6662938
Studies from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Reveal New Findings on Gynecologic Cancer (Evaluating the Effect of a Group Pre-treatment Chemotherapy Psycho-education Session for Chemotherapy-naive Gynecologic Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers). (2021, February 25). Womens Health Weekly, 511.
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