SEU Organization Structure and Culture Horizon Consulting Case Study Questions


Case Study & Discussion questions

Please read the Case-3.2 “Horizon Consulting.”from Chapter 3 “Organization: Structure and Culture” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 101-103 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers.  Answer the following questions for Part-1, Part-2.

Part-1: Case study questions

  • How successful was the post-meeting? Explain in 100 words (1 Mark).
  • What factors contributed to the success or failure of this meeting? Explain in 100 words (1 Mark).
  • What kind of project management structure does Horizon use? Is it the right structure? Explain in 300 words (4 Marks)
  • Going to college is analogous to working in a matrix environment in that most students take more than one class and must distribute their time across multiple classes. What problems does this situation create for you? How does it affect your performance? How could the system be better managed to make your life less difficult and more productive? (2 Marks) (150-200 words)
  • You work for Barbata Electronics. Your R&D people believe they have come up with an affordable technology that will double the capacity of existing MP3 players and use an audio format that is superior to MP3. The project is code named KYSO (Knock Your Socks Off). What kind of project management structure would you recommend they use for the KYSO project? What information would you like to have to make this recommendation and why? (2 Marks) (150-200 words).

Part-2: Discussion questions

Please read Chapter 3 “Organizaton: Structure and Culture” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

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