Silent Spring Discussion


ICA #18 (4/12)

To make-up ICA #18, please read Silent Spring, pp. 244–297, then answer the following questions: How were insecticides ineffective and what other problems did they create? What alternatives does Carson discuss? Please type your answers, providing specific examples and details from the reading to support your claims. Your answers should be typed, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and at least one-page long total. Failure to submit complete and detailed answers from the textbook will result in having to re-do the assignment. Please email your answers as an attachment by 7:00 p.m. on 4/12as well as make sure you get the notes from someone in class. Your answers should draw solely from the book. Please provide page numbers for paraphrased material and quotes (p. 249). Failure to provide simple citations from the book or properly use quotation marks will be considered plagiarism. Furthermore, any use of a source other than the book Silent Spring will be considered cheating. Anyone caught plagiarizing or cheating will receive a failing grade and be turned into the university’s Judicial Affairs Officer.

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