Sociology LGBTQ Fairy Godmother Discussion


A Visit from the LGBTQ Fairy Godmother

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and discover that, while you are the same person inside, your physical body has been transformed into that of the opposite sex.

  1. Visualize your new body, and imagine how you would feel. 
  2. What do you foresee as being the biggest advantages or most exciting possibilities associated with this physical transformation?
  3. What do you foresee as the biggest disadvantages or sources of distress?
  4. Remember that your personality, your sexual preferences and desires remain the same as they were the night before, but now you must live in the    world with a different sexual body.  So, if you identified as heterosexual before, you now fit the criteria for a homosexual person.  However, if you  identified as homosexual before, you now fit the criteria for a heterosexual person.  If you identify as bisexual, you are now bisexual of a different sex/gender.
  5. How would others perceive you?  Think about significant others, acquaintances and strangers.
  6. How would you feel about yourself?
  7. If your gender identity matched your sex before this change(female identifying as woman; male identifying as man), then you are now transgendered.  If you were transgendered before, then your sex now matches your gender identity.
  8. How would you cope with this aspect of your new reality?
  9. What does your answer to this question reveal about how gender identity may be experienced?

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