Starbucks Supply Chain Paper


Since there is no paper requirement, all relevant points must be on the slide! You can choose to include an Appendix to include information that you do not want to clutter up your slides. There is no paper requirement, but if you choose to do so, you may also submit a paper, for example, if you do not want to clutter up your slides and need more explanation of the points on the slide. Your work must be well thought out and concise. There is no length requirement (min or max) but do not include extra information not needed to address the content requirements in the grading rubric.

The group will be graded as a whole based on all parts submitted. This means that all group members are responsible for all parts of the project. Being involved in all parts of the project will best prepare your to complete the final individual project at the end of the course (you will need to complete the components in this project, by yourself, based on the company visit). It is the project manager’s responsibility (although it is difficult and can be uncomfortable) to set due dates for each part of the project to be submitted by each group member. These due dates will give the entire group enough time to complete other portions of the project incase a group member chooses not to contribute. Please make sure that the project manager thoroughly documents due dates for each group member, and allows time for this type of situation, in case it arises, and can re-assign portions of the project work to different group members so that the project is done by the due date, and up to the standards of the entire group.

My Part is – Supply Chain and the Important, History Part.

Company – Starbucks
Example Is attached Below.

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