UNLV Management Discussion


Can you help me do these Chapter 9 questions, Chapter 9 Application Statement, Chapter 10 questions, Chapter 10 application statement?

Chapter 9 questions

question 1 What resources and capabilities did Disney and Matteleach bring to an alliance

question 2 Starbucks has created strategic alliances with Barnes& Noble and Target. Why might these companies want a Starbucks inside theirstores? Would this be a slow, fast, or standard-cycle market?

question 3 Microsoft started licensing its operating system to IBMin 1980. What type of business level cooperative strategy was that. Explain(2-3 sentences)

question 4 Identify a major company that uses internationalstrategic alliances. What type of company are they working with and why wouldthey do so?

question 5 How could a cost-minimization approach to managingcooperative strategies affect innovation?

Chapter 9 Application Statement

As you review the chapter, identify key conceptsand applythose concepts to a company. You may use an organization that you work for, areinterested in, or choose a public company that you are familiar with. The totalassignment should be about a page, double spaced, although you are welcome towrite more if you wish.

Chapter 10 questions

question 1 What could an owner do to avoid hiring a CEO that mightpursue their own interests?

question 2 How might owning stock in your company influencedirector’s behavior?

question 3 What potential benefits or drawbacks might come fromstock options as part of CEO compensation?

question 4 What are potential outcomes for shareholders if CEOsuse defense tactics to avoid a takeover in a struggling firm?

question 5 What corporate governance concerns might you have whenexpanding a company to different countries?

Chapter 10 Application Statement

As you review the chapter, identify key conceptsand applythose concepts to a company. You may use an organization that you work for, areinterested in, or choose a public company that you are familiar with. The totalassignment should be about a page, double spaced, although you are welcome towrite more if you wish.

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