Suny empire Anatomy and Physiology Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a anatomy writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


1. Think about phototransduction. Explain how radiation acts as a source of energy for chemical reactions that allow for vision. 

2. When traveling on airplanes, it is often recommended to chew gum during take-off and landing. Using your knowledge of ear anatomy, why does chewing gum help with the pressure in your ears while flying? 

3. Hypothesize why the body uses so many different types of signals. Next, choose two to compare and contrast. Focus on speed of delivery to the target cell, specificity of the target cell, and type of target cell response. 

4. Define diabetes insipidus. How is this type of diabetes related to, and different from, diabetes mellitus?

5. Josephine has severe arthritis. Two months ago she visited her physician who prescribed prednisone (a glucocorticoid). Josephine has been properly taking her medication but isn’t feeling well and complains of extreme puffiness (edema) and reoccurring “colds.” Explain the reason for these symptoms. 

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