Chemistry Study Tutoring Summary


Step 1: Familiarize yourself with your tutoring options

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the tutoring options available to you, to do this follow the directions in the learning assistance page from the introductory module. I highly recommend using Valencia’s tutoring over Brainfuse, but either will count for credit.

Step 2: Attend tutoring

Next, attend tutoring a maximum of 4 separate times for a minimum of an hour each time (the sessions have to be on different days you cannot attend tutoring two times for 2 hours or one time for 4 hours). You have all semester to complete this assignment so I am confident that you are capable of making time in your schedule for your education 😀

Before a Session: Prepare for a tutoring session the same way that you would for your own personal study session. Jot down the concepts that you want to cover in that session and problems that you want to work on. Good places to start looking for ideas of what to ask during tutoring are the weekly learning objectives for this class. You will benefit more from tutoring if you come with concepts and questions prepared, BUT it’s always better to attend (unprepared) than to never attend.

  • Chapter 1: Chemistry: An Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations
  • Chapter 3: Matter
  • Chapters 1-3: Cumulative Review
  • Chapter 4: Chemical Foundations: Elements, Atoms, and Ions
  • Chapter 5: Nomenclature
  • Chapters 4-5: Cumulative Review
  • Chapter 6: Chemical Reactions: An Introduction
  • Chapter 7: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
  • Chapters 6-7: Cumulative Review
  • Chapter 8: Chemical Composition
  • Chapter 9: Chemical Quantities
  • Chapters 8-9: Cumulative Review
  • Chapter 10: Energy
  • Chapter 11: Modern Atomic Theory
  • Chapter 12: Chemical Bonding
  • Chapters 10-12: Cumulative Review
  • Chapter 13: Gases

Miami Dade College Building Earths surface Questions


Textbook: Physical Science, by Bill W. Tillery, 10th Edition. Answer the following questions at your best:

Chapter 19 – Building Earth’s surface

  1. 1- What is the principle of uniformity? What are the underlying assumptions of this principle?
  2. 2- What does the presence of folded sedimentary rock layers mean about the geologic history of an area?
  3. 3- Describe the conditions that would lead to faulting as opposed to folding of rock layers.
  4. 4- How would plate tectonics explain the occurrence of normal faulting?
  5. 5- What is an earthquake? What produces an earthquake?
  6. 6- Where would the theory of plate tectonics predict that earthquakes would occur?
  7. 7- Describe how the location of an earthquake is identified by a seismic recording station.
  8. 8- Describe any possible relationship between volcanic activity and changes in weather.
  9. 9- What is the source of magma that forms volcanoes? Explain how the magma is generated.
  10. 10- What are mountains? Why do they tend to form in long, thin belts?

Chapter 20: Shaping Earth’s surface

  1. 1- What other erosion processes are important as a stream of running water carves a valley in the mountains? Explain
  2. 2- Describe three ways in which a river erodes its channel.
  3. 3- What is a floodplain?
  4. 4- What is a glacier? How does a glacier erode the land?
  5. 5- What is rock flour and how is it produced?
  6. 6- Could a glacier erode the land lower than sea level? Explain.
  7. 7- What characteristics of a soil make it a good soil?
  8. 8- What essential condition must be met before mass wasting can occur?
  9. 9- Compare the materials deposited by streams, wind, and glaciers.
  10. 10- Why do certain stone buildings tend to weather more rapidly in cities than they do in ruralareas?

University of Miami Biology Essay


Each student must submit their own Nutrition Assignment. You May NOT be part of a group for this Assignment. This Assignment takes 3 days to complete, so give yourself plenty of time.


Read Nutrition Text and Lab Instructions. Copy and paste tables into document, follow the instructions and submit work (in table format), including your food diary and answered questions, as the Lab 7 Nutrition Assignment by copying and pasting all tables, diaries, and answered questions in Submission area.

Grading rubric for Lab 7 Nutrition Assignment is as follows: Submission by due date April 16 at 9AM. Late submission period April 16-18 will have points deducted (up to 30%). It may be submitted in a .docx or .pdf file. It may NOT be submitted as .pages file.

24 possible points; 4 points for each of the following items:

1. Food diary (each day MUST be different; you may NOT duplicate the food eaten each day…so select 3 days when you know you will be eating different food each day). A submission with a food diary that duplicates the food for all 3 days will be returned with a zero and a request for the work to be corrected and resubmitted. Data copied (completely or partially) from any other website that offers previous students’ work will trigger a Academic Misconduct report filed by the Instructor to Student Affairs. DO YOUR OWN WORK. DO NOT USE ANOTHER STUDENTS DATA.

2. Physical activity diary,

3. Activity Intensity Summary,

4. Energy Cost for activities,

5. Estimation of total energy expenditure, and

6. Answered questions

Open the following websites to calculate:……

Stratford University Physics Questions


1. Axons in the brain have smaller diameters than motor neurons; 0.6 ?m is a typical value. Most connections are short range, with an average axon length of about 700 ?m. The resistivity of the 7-nm-thick axon membrane is approximately 4×107 ?; the dielectric constant is 5. Model the axon as a cylinder. (6 pts)

Find out and show your work

(a) the resistance in M?,

(b) the capacitance in ?F, and

(c) the time constant in ms of the axon membrane?

2. The giant axon of a squid is 0.5 mm in diameter, 10 cm long, and not myelinated. Unmyelinated cell membranes behave as capacitors with 1 ?F of capacitance per square centimeter of membrane area. When the axon is charged to the ?70 mV resting potential, what is the energy stored in this capacitance? (4 pts) Show your work

3. A myelinated nerve fiber has a 4.0-?m-diameter cylindrical axon covered by a 1.0-?m-thick layer of myelin. No ions pass through the axon membrane, which is sealed by the myelin, but an action potential at a node causes an ion current to flow along the axis of the axon. The axon is filled with cytosol, whose resistivity was given in Chapter 24 as 0.50 ??m The dielectric constant of myelin is assumed to be 5.0, the same as that of the cell membrane (8 pts) Show your work.

a) What are the capacitance in pF and the resistance in M? of a 1.0-mm-long segment of a myelinated nerve fiber? Use the average radius of the myelin sheath for calculating capacitance.

b) What is the time constant in ?s of this RC circuit

University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV Climate Change Crisis Policy Letters

Question Description

I’m working on a geographic information writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This is the writing component of the class and is worth 10% of the final grade.

Each student must pick a topic relating to physical geography (water, disasters, the environment, global warming, etc…) and write a one-page letter to a specific policy maker at any level of government addressing your topic and your suggestions for action.

Recall that this letter should be no more than one-page in length (12 size, normal font), single-spaced and be addressed to an actual person/entity with their address (you do not need to use your personal address and can instead use the University address)

Grading will be based on the presentation of your topic and the information used to back up your position (60 pts) as well as the writing capability displayed (40 pts).

Use a friend proofread your essay. Once you have completed your essay and had it proofread, please be sure to save your file as either as Word (.doc) or Adobe (.pdf) file, naming it with your last name, first initial, and the title “policy letter” as demonstrated by the following example: JudkinsG_policyletter.

You will then click on the “Browse My Computer” button at the bottom of the Webcampus page describing the assignment to attach your completed essay from wherever you saved it locally.

Please also monitor any feedback we give in the event that we are unable to open your attachment due to a corruption of the file. We will then ask you to email it directly to us.

Great Teeth Essay


SUBMIT THIS IS A .DOC or .PDF file absolutely NO APPLE .PAGES or GOOGLE DOCS!   Period.  The Canvas system is not set up to view .pages,  and this class is not set up for me to see your “Google Docs” and they don’t “stay with the class”  I have to have records of your submissions for 18 months.

(1) For this essay you will chose one of the adaptations on the list below, having done that you will complete part (2) of this essay.  You will use your textbook, our class content, and extraneous research to complete this essay.

A disease-associated balanced polymorphism maintained by heterozygous advantage, example  Sickle-Cell Anemia

Cultural adaptations (this is a little harder to do, but it focuses on clothing, shelters, tools, cooperative group dynamics)

Increased brain size and functions.

Body size and shape adaptation to climate conditions

Eye form and function

Skin color adaptation

  • Cold and Hot Weather adaptations (evolutionary adaptations, example tall/thin, short/compact body types)
  • High altitude adaptation
  • Endurance Running
  • Sweating
  • walking upright
  • hearing (we can hear a wider range of sounds, especially between 1.0 – 6.0 kHz – where most human speech occurs)
  • great teeth (function and form)
  • Anything else that is adaptive that you have had “pre-approval” from me to use as a topic 🙂
  • (2) Your essay should consist of three distinct parts:
  •    (a) Background description of the adaptation (what it is and how it works)
       (b) Description of the population (who they are, where they live, how they live and what activities they pursue.
  •    (c) Discuss their adaptation and how it relates to their environment and life-ways (culture).

LAVC Law Samuel Murder Case


1. Read the Dunn v. Reeves case in its entirety.

2. Read “A Guide to Reading and Analyzing Cases.”

3. Read “IRAC for Law 003 Students.”

4. Write a summary of the case using IRAC as the organizing tool. In addition to the IRAC headings, I want you to include a heading entitled FACTS. Under the FACTS, please write a few sentences on the case’s path to the US Supreme Court. In other words, a brief timeline/chronology. Then write the content of IRAC.

Remember, your brief must have these headings.






5. The brief should be NO fewer than 2 pages with double spacing in between the headings.

6. Once you begin there is NO time limit but there is a DUE DATE. Please do not procrastinate as there will be no extensions of time or make ups.

Dunn v. Reeves USSC July 2020.pdf Download Dunn v. Reeves USSC July 2020.pdf



Science Analysis of the President Questions


question 1) The president has a variety of responsibilites. It would be impossible for the president to perform all of the tasks necessary to run the country if he did not have help. Explain how the Executive Office of the President, the White House Office and others keep the president moving. question 2) Your textbook spends a great deal of time discussing presidential power and performance. Which presidents have been considered effective presidents? Given what you now know about measuring presidential effectiveness, what do you think about President’s Bush and Obama? President Trump? question 3) The president must have a working relationship with Congress in order to be effective legislatively. Which past presidents have been good at this and what were their strategies? question 4) choose any current news article and give a short summary on what the article is about (make sure to attach link for the article) question 5) Provide an analysis of the public president in 1-2 pages.

As your textbook points out, the medias role in electing presidents is key. How have presidents (especially since Ronald Reagan) used the media to their advantage? What about President Obama? President Trump? Feel free to utilize photos and video clips to support your claims. (please attach question 5 in a seperate attachment)

California State University Northridge Bioethics Prenatal Testing Reflection


To complete each scenario assignment:

1. Read the attached scenario pictures.

2. Compose in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:

  • Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
  • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and why?
  • Which ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Why does this theory work?
  • Which ethical theory (of the 6 approved ones ONLY – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract) would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? A) In this reflection you must first define the key terms of the debate (for example, define what Euthanasia/Abortion/Stem Cell/Public Health/PreNatalTesting/Animal Research/Health Care, etc. means and what are the different types depending on which topic you are discussing)B) Define and explain the ethical theory you chose (show me you know exactly what the theory is and does – in your own words)C) Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethical

4. Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.

UCONN Environmental Science Sustainable Development Goals Paper


 visit the Sustainable Development Report Card.

Spend a few minutes exploring the Interactive Map to learn how it works. In the Interactive Map, you can look at overall scores and scores by individual Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Clicking on a country will give you details in the left-hand column about its overall performance and performance by SDG. Clicking on the SDG gives you detailed information about individual indicators (i.e., metrics used to create the rankings), which can also be visualized on the map by clicking them.  

For the United States and one additional country of your choice: Choose two of the environmental SDGs (below).  For each environmental SDG find an indicator for which the SDG is achieved (i.e., green) and one for which major challenges remain (i.e., red).  

6 – Clean Water and Sanitation –

13 – Climate Action –

14 – Life Below Water –

15 – Life on Land

Please complete  using the following template:

United States

Environmental SDG 1 –

Indicator acheived –

Indicator major challenges remain –

Environmental SDG 2 –

Indicator acheived –

Indicator major challenges remain –

Name of additional country

Environmental SDG 1 –

Indicator acheived –

Indicator major challenges remain –

Environmental SDG 2 –

Indicator acheived –

Indicator major challenges remain –