The Nurses Role in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Older Adults

Describe and discuss the nurse’s role in health promotion and disease prevention in older adults. Share an example from your personal experience as a RN.
1. Introduction
In 2013, it was estimated that there were 44.7 million adults aged 65 and older in the United States. This age group represented 14.1% of the population. It is projected that by 2030, one in every five Americans will be older than 65. With such a large and growing number of older adults, it is important to bring attention to the health and well-being of this population. As people age, they face an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. In addition to disease, older adults may experience cognitive decline, depression, anxiety, and various other mental health issues. Health promotion and disease prevention strategies can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life for older adults. This is especially true for those who are dealing with multiple chronic conditions and those who have diminished physical and mental function. With support from healthcare providers, older adults can take control of their own health and improve their quality of life. One group of healthcare providers that play a crucial role in promoting health and preventing diseases in this population is the nursing profession. The development of advanced practice roles, recognition of the nurse’s responsibility in this area, and an abundance of research in the field make it an exciting time for the nursing profession. This chapter explores the importance of health promotion and disease prevention for older adults, the various domains of assessment particular to this population, common health conditions, and the nurse’s role in promoting health and preventing disease. By providing a comprehensive review of the literature and citing evidence-based practice guidelines, as well as drawing from experience in geriatric clinical practice and as nurses with many years of experience in caring for older adults, I hope to impart valuable knowledge to the reader about the older adult population and the multitude of nursing strategies that can be employed to combat age-related health challenges.
1.1 Importance of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Older Adults
Firstly, we start to ponder why health promotion is important. According to the Ottawa Charter by the World Health Organization, health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. In other words, health promotion is not only the responsibility of the individual, but also the pursuit to resolve the health disparity and improving the quality of society in our future generation. In particular, older adults have unique health care needs and health promotion is vital in maintaining the quality of life. As people age, the risk of developing chronic and degenerative diseases and disorders also increase. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems in the US. It was estimated that half of the adults in the US suffer from at least one preventable chronic health condition. And USD$3.3 trillion out of $3.5 trillion in annual US health care…
1.2 Nurse’s Responsibility in Promoting Health and Preventing Disease
In 2010, the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Future of Nursing report recommended that all nurses should be educated in health promotion and disease prevention. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the goal of health promotion is to “prevent disease, improve quality of life, and lengthen life.” Health promotion is a concept that is often defined differently by different nurses. However, in essence, health promotion is an “umbrella” under which a variety of strategies designed for well-being fall. Health promotion is a key part of the nurse’s role. The nurses have an important role to help the society prevent various diseases and improve the quality of life. According to the “Culture of Health” by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nursing profession itself should “serve as an exemplar” of health promotion. However, health promotion is not just a new “buzz word” for nurses. When the nurses consider that health care dollars are becoming scarce and the incidence of chronic disease and illness is becoming a common trend, which is “prevention” becomes a very significant term for them. By educating the patients with the right information, they would be more prone to “avoid the illnesses”. Currently, many nurses in the acute and primary care settings receive training and continuing education in health promotion. For example, the Chronic Care Model, developed by Dr. Ed Wagner and Dr. David E. M. E. Solberg, lists health promotion, that includes three key elements: Support Self-Management, Decision Support and Delivery System Design. When applying the chronic care model to diabetes care, an organization might offer several programs such as a “meal planning seminar”, a “smoking cessation workshop”, and a “pedometer and walking program”. These programs could be very beneficial for the diabetes patients. There is a growing trend for organizations and corporations to offer employee wellness programs and “annual health risk assessments.” For example, Adventist Health in Roseville, California offers a variety of employee wellness services, including chronic disease management, exercise classes, and dietary counseling. This holistic approach serves to benefit both employees and the organization as a whole. And nurses today are not just limited in the hospital or community settings anymore in terms of health promotion. A grand locus of opportunities is now open for the nurses such as Ambulatory Care Centers, Physicians’ Offices, or Insurance Care Companies. The nurses should continue their existing career and applied experience via research or policy work and keep on educating and promoting the benefits of health promotion nationwide.
2. Understanding the Aging Process
2.1 Physiological Changes in Older Adults
2.2 Common Health Conditions in Older Adults
3. Assessing Health Needs of Older Adults
3.1 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
3.2 Identifying Risk Factors for Disease
4. Developing Health Promotion Strategies
4.1 Educating Older Adults on Healthy Lifestyle Choices
4.2 Encouraging Regular Exercise and Physical Activity
4.3 Promoting Proper Nutrition and Hydration
5. Preventing Common Diseases in Older Adults
5.1 Immunizations and Vaccinations
5.2 Screening and Early Detection of Chronic Diseases
5.3 Managing Chronic Conditions to Prevent Complications
6. Promoting Mental Health and Well-being
6.1 Assessing Cognitive Function and Mental Health Status
6.2 Providing Emotional Support and Counseling
6.3 Facilitating Social Engagement and Activities
7. Collaboration and Advocacy in Health Promotion
7.1 Collaborating with Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team
7.2 Advocating for Policies and Programs Beneficial to Older Adults
7.3 Promoting Age-Friendly Environments
8. Personal Experience as a Registered Nurse
8.1 Example of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Older Adults
8.2 Impact of Nursing Interventions on Older Adults’ Health
9. Conclusion
9.1 Importance of the Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
9.2 Ensuring Quality of Life for Older Adults

Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

Review this week related topics: Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning. 
Consider the process and application of each topic.
Reflect on how each topic relates to nursing practice. 
The assignment:
Post a summary on how predictive analytics might be used to support healthcare. Note: These topics may overlap as you will find in the readings (e.g., some processes require both Data Mining and Analytics).
In your post include the following:
Describe a practical application for predictive analytics in your nursing practice (you can do behavioral health or med surg). What challenges and opportunities do you envision for the future of predictive analytics in healthcare? INCLUDE 3 REFERENCES

1. Introduction
Predictive analytics is rapidly emerging as a valuable tool for the identification and management of high-risk populations in today’s leading healthcare organizations. In its broadest sense, predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. The predictive model has been widely used to identify those who have higher probabilities of certain outcomes, more complex and severe medical conditions, and higher utilization of health services. In these cases, a small number of individuals are identified as having a much higher probability of incurring the outcome. The primary goal in these cases is to improve quality of care for the high-risk individuals and reduce overall costs by identifying them before the adverse outcomes occur. Predictive analytics is a process in which the predictions work in a feedback loop by identifying the probability of an outcome and identifying the factors that can be modified to change the outcome. In these scenarios, prediction is used to target intervention, by clarifying the relative risk of different outcomes and by discovering which factors and interventions have the greatest potential to alter those outcomes. This can be particularly important for healthcare providers working to improve health of populations and reduce the per capita cost. High-risk, high-cost individuals can often be identified with complex or chronic conditions that can be improved if the right interventions can be targeted. In the case of disease management, predictive models using patient specific data can identify those in the early stages of a disease for which effective intervention can prevent progression to more severe outcomes. By identifying the different factors that can influence the disease progression, the provider can discern which patients would benefit the most from the available interventions. This allows for targeting the right treatment to the right patient.
1.1 Definition of Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is different from other statistical analysis as it is more futuristic and often uses statistical techniques and data mining concepts to analyze the data. This concept focuses on prediction and not description. For example, in database marketing, it’s a common use of predictive analysis. Various companies use this data to make future predictions on customer behavior, customer trends, and to develop customer relationship management systems. This concept is also used in various other fields, including but not limited to financial services, insurance, healthcare, travel, telecommunications, etc.
Predictive analytics is the technique used to determine the outcome of a situation and is done through data collection, data analysis, statistics, and machine learning. This process is beneficial in solving complex issues and also to identify future opportunities. The data from which the analysis is done can exist in various forms, for example, it can be structured or unstructured and can be internal or external to the system.
1.2 Importance of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
With today’s increasing demand of healthcare worldwide, it is in the best interest of any healthcare provider to utilize every ability to provide the best care possible. However, situational awareness and the ability to predict an outcome in a patient’s case has not been healthcare’s strong suit. In the past, healthcare has reacted to critical situations and have controlled the damage, but what if that damage could have been prevented with a higher quality of care? Predictive analytics can answer that question. An important and sometimes life-saving tool, predictive analytics is instrumental in providing the best possible care for any patient. One of the most important reasons to utilize predictive analytics in healthcare is its ability to determine a possible outcome in a patient’s case. By utilizing the patient’s history and existing knowledge, predictive analytics can suggest a future outcome or the probability of a particular illness/injury occurring. This can be extremely useful in cases of organ failure, as data can be collected to determine whether or not the patient is in need of an organ transplant in the near future. Simulation models can then determine the best treatment for that patient and the probability of survival with and without the transplant. Cost is always a factor with medical treatment and the ability to predict an outcome based on particular treatments can help to determine the best and most cost-effective treatment for any patient.
2. Practical Application of Predictive Analytics in Nursing Practice
2.1 Identifying High-Risk Patients
2.2 Early Detection of Complications
2.3 Personalized Treatment Plans
3. Challenges of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
3.1 Data Quality and Accessibility
3.2 Privacy and Security Concerns
3.3 Integration with Existing Systems
4. Opportunities of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
4.1 Improved Patient Outcomes
4.2 Cost Reduction
4.3 Enhanced Resource Allocation
5. Future of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
5.1 Advancements in Machine Learning Algorithms
5.2 Integration of Wearable Devices and IoT
5.3 Collaboration between Healthcare Providers and Data Scientists
6. References

The Rise of Social Media and its Impact on Information Systems

The Rise of Social Media and its Impact on Information Systems: explore the rise of social media and its impact on information systems. discuss how social media has changed the way we share and consume information.
1. Introduction
The evolution and rise of social media has a cause and effect on the way that information is spread. The second section of my research paper will analyze the effects that the rise of social media has on the way information is spread. This is useful information for companies who wish to understand ways and methods for them to get information to potential consumers. This can also provide users who use the internet and various different website platforms a way to understand the changes and benefits that are caused by the changes in the way information is spread by social media. With such a large impact of the changes in the methods of information spreading, we need to understand the way that this information can be utilized by users in the ever-growing social media environment.
This research paper discusses how social media has become a part of our daily lives and how the rise of social media has led to changes in the way information is disseminated. Social media has come a long way. Prior to the internet, social media was discussed by researchers in newsgroups, online forums, and internet relay chats. An interesting form of social media that was discussed in the early stages of social media development was “Six Degrees”. Six Degrees was a form of social media that allowed users to create profiles and add friends. Similarities can be drawn to the Myspace of today. This online community was a way for users to experience an online social network. “Six Degrees” was an evolution in the way users of the internet could communicate with one another. This development has led to an increase in the amount of data that is becoming available to us. Because of the vast amounts of information that would become available, it became increasingly difficult to locate information that is relevant to us.
1.1 Evolution of Social Media
Social media has come a long way from the days of MySpace, which many considered the first popular social media website. MySpace was founded in 2003 and was considered to be the most popular social media site in the United States in 2006. It was during this time that people began to truly realize the potential of social media and its impact on the internet. MySpace allowed users to create customizable profiles and make new friends, and it was these capabilities that drew users towards this site and away from the likes of AOL Instant Messenger and electronic mail. Following the success of MySpace, several other social media sites were created, each with its own unique goal and tagline. Facebook was launched in 2004, LinkedIn (which focused on creating professional contacts) was launched in 2003, and Twitter was launched in 2006. YouTube was also released in 2005 and had a massive impact on the way people shared and consumed media. Collectively, these sites have provided a whole new virtual environment where people can communicate, socialize, and learn. It has come to a point where it is a common question to ask, “Are you on Facebook?” when meeting new people. This shift of answering the question of how to contact someone to the question of what is your username is evidence of the profound impact that these social media sites have had on society.
1.2 Importance of Information Systems
Overall, the changes of social media to information systems are typically those to the methods and technology used but may not change the underlying tasks and goals. Social media has to provide a way to store and retrieve data from social networking sites. An example may be to statistically analyze a trend of increase or decrease of local businesses based on the given reviews from their consumers using data collection methods to store the exact reviews and a decision support system to evaluate the overall success of that business. All these changes of information systems are used to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of a task for a minimal required input. If it is done right, they should lead to improvements in said tasks. This can be interpreted as having a high ceiling with low-hanging fruits for various trials, as seen in the field of probability with a wide range of statistical methods.
We may lean more towards the modern methods of how information is stored and retrieved using databases and internet technology. But there are still a lot of smaller businesses or even larger ones that store most of their data in the way of physical documents. Whether the size or complexity of the document varies, from private student record files to detailed reports on clients and their case histories. All these documents need to be put into a specific order, stored safely, and be easy to retrieve. This is where document management systems can be useful. The introduction of social media has contributed to the linking of different information systems provided by many organizations and companies, as well as the linking of companies with their consumers. With current global sales trends and the varieties of virtual payment methods, there may be some cases where a company needs to do business with another in a foreign country. This is where the use of electronic data interchange can come in. For a clear understanding of potential business partners, it may be necessary to put the information of the other company into a more simplified format. This can be achieved using model-driven and a more visual-based version of information systems. Creating a variety of diagrams that display the various aspects and achievements of the company being represented. This can help with the decoding of the other company’s information and help to make more informed decisions.
Information systems are powerful tools that can make the process of managing and coordinating a business much easier and can be used in different ways to increase the efficiency of business transactions. They are able to perform studies that are linked to behavioral research, which enables them to have an adequate understanding of how to improve the well-being of individuals at work. This, in turn, leads to improved productivity. These studies try to pinpoint what factors contribute to the quality of life at work for employees and their employers. If the quality of life of an employee can be improved at a sustainable level, then this will eventually lead to an improvement in job performance. Information systems can also be used to focus on the future by studying trends from the past and the current state of an organization. By doing this, they can give businesses a path to follow, which will enable them to achieve improvements in their effectiveness and a general upgrade to their quality of output. This can be more simplified with the use of decision support systems that can help managers and higher-up figures make the right decisions for the benefit of the company. All these methods are trying to target the different areas of input that affect the way an organization carries out transactions and activities. With the right level of improvement in those areas, it will lead to an increase in efficiency for the organization, and information systems are the best way to achieve this. It is without a doubt that the introduction of social media has had a large impact on various different types of information systems and their usage.
2. Social Media and Information Sharing
2.1 Changing Landscape of Information Sharing
2.2 Instantaneous Dissemination of News
2.3 Viral Spread of Information
3. Social Media and Information Consumption
3.1 Personalized Content Curation
3.2 Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior
3.3 Impact on Traditional Media Channels
4. Social Media and Information Systems Management
4.1 Challenges in Information Systems Management
4.2 Data Security and Privacy Concerns
4.3 Integration of Social Media into Information Systems
5. Social Media Analytics and Insights
5.1 Extracting Meaningful Insights from Social Media Data
5.2 Utilizing Social Media Analytics for Decision Making
5.3 Monitoring and Managing Online Reputation
6. Social Media and Collaboration in Information Systems
6.1 Enhancing Collaboration within Organizations
6.2 Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
6.3 Social Media as a Communication Channel
7. Social Media and Business Opportunities
7.1 Leveraging Social Media for Marketing and Advertising
7.2 Influencer Marketing and Brand Advocacy
7.3 Social Commerce and E-Commerce Integration
8. Social Media and Information Systems Governance
8.1 Establishing Policies and Guidelines
8.2 Monitoring and Managing Social Media Usage
8.3 Ensuring Compliance and Ethical Practices
9. Conclusion

Cystic Fibrosis in Pediatrics

1. Introduction
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease characterized by the production of abnormally thick mucus. This mucus builds up in the lungs and pancreas, leading to respiratory and digestive problems. Cystic fibrosis is a common life-limiting autosomal recessive genetic disorder in the Caucasian population. The disease was first described in the 1930s by Dr. Dorothy Andersen, although it wasn’t until 1989 that the defective gene that causes cystic fibrosis was identified. The gene, known as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, was discovered by a team of scientists led by Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, which means that a child needs to inherit two copies of the defective gene, one from each parent, to develop cystic fibrosis. If both parents are carriers of the abnormal gene, there is a 25% chance that the child will have cystic fibrosis, a 50% chance that the child will be a carrier of the abnormal gene but will not have the condition, and a 25% chance that the child will not have the abnormal gene at all. The defective chloride channel protein that is produced as a result of the genetic mutation leads to the abnormally thick secretions associated with cystic fibrosis. These thick secretions have a big impact on the respiratory and digestive systems. In the respiratory tract, the thick mucus can cause airway obstruction and impair mucociliary clearance. This means that the mucus is not cleared effectively and is more likely to get infected with microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. In the pancreas, the abnormally thick secretions can lead to blockages in the normal release of digestive enzymes that help to break down food and absorb nutrients. Over time, this disruption to the digestive process can lead to irreversible damage in the pancreas, resulting in cystic fibrosis related diabetes and malnutrition.
1.1 Definition of Cystic Fibrosis
Over 10,600 people in the UK have cystic fibrosis. The condition is most commonly diagnosed in children and young children, with around half of all people with cystic fibrosis in the UK being younger than 16 years old. However, due to advancements in treatment and care for cystic fibrosis in recent years, an increasing number of people diagnosed with the condition are living into adulthood. With improved treatments and care, life expectancy for someone with cystic fibrosis has also increased, with many people living well into their 30s, 40s, and some even into their 50s. However, in severe cases of cystic fibrosis where a lung transplant is required, the risk of transplant rejection and further complications can result in a shorter life expectancy.
In the vast majority of cases, cystic fibrosis is caused by a genetic mutation that a child inherits from both their mother and father. These mutations are found on a particular gene called the ‘cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator’ (CFTR) gene. Normally, the CFTR gene makes a protein that sits in the cell wall, which acts as a channel for the movement of salt in and out of the cells. This protein also helps control the movement of water in the cells, which keeps the mucus in the body’s passageways thin. However, mutations on the gene can cause the protein to act abnormally. This means that it cannot move salt and water to the surface of the cells as easily as it should, which results in the mucus in the body becoming thick and sticky.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system, and other vital organs in the body. This damage is often a result of a build-up of thick, sticky mucus which can cause chronic and life-threatening infections and serious digestion problems. Over time, this build-up of mucus can cause scarring and fibrosis, hence the name cystic fibrosis. The name ‘cystic fibrosis’ refers to the scarring (fibrosis) and cyst formation within the internal organs, particularly the lungs. However, cystic fibrosis can affect several areas of the body, including the digestive system – where mucus can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from food.
1.2 Prevalence in Pediatrics
Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common life-threatening genetic disorders in the Caucasian population, with a prevalence of approximately 1 in 2000 to 3000 live births. However, the incidence and prevalence of cystic fibrosis varies according to the geographical location and the ethnicity of the population. As most of the patients with cystic fibrosis are diagnosed and managed in the pediatric setting, it is important to understand the prevalence of this genetic condition in the pediatric population all around the world. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder, and it is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. This means that both copies of the CFTR gene in each cell must have mutations or damages in order for the genetic instructions not to make a functional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and result in the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. The typical life expectancy of patients with cystic fibrosis has been increasing over the past few decades. However, it is still a severely life-limiting condition. The median predicted age of survival in the United States is around 40 years old. It is a distressing fact that the majority of the cystic fibrosis patients will eventually succumb to the chronic diseases, in particular the respiratory complications from the disease. This genetic disorder does not affect just the respiratory system, making the symptom control in cystic fibrosis even more challenging. With the help of the advance in the diagnostic and screening methods, newborn screening for cystic fibrosis is nowadays widely available and implemented in many countries with high prevalence of cystic fibrosis. Early diagnosis allows early management and intervention that will significantly improve the long-term outcome of the disease, particularly in preventing the damages to the lung and the malnutrition that arise from the disease. However, it is also essential to bear in mind the potential psychological and social harm that may be brought to the family when the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is made in their newborn baby. Every family deserves to be given adequate support and genetic counseling when long-term genetic condition like cystic fibrosis is diagnosed.
1.3 Etiology and Genetic Basis
Prenatal testing for cystic fibrosis is also available and can be performed as early as the ninth week of pregnancy using a chorionic villus sampling technique, or from the sixteenth week using an amniocentesis. Such tests are particularly useful for identifying couples at risk of giving birth to a child with cystic fibrosis. The identification of two CFTR mutations through newborn screening allows for prompt initiation of both medical management and genetic counseling, which are key in preventing serious complications and improving the long-term prognosis for children with cystic fibrosis.
Cystic fibrosis is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning that a child must inherit two copies of the faulty CFTR gene – one from each parent – in order to develop the condition. If both parents are carriers of a CFTR mutation, there is a 25% chance with each pregnancy that the child will be affected by cystic fibrosis. Carriers of a single copy of a mutated CFTR gene do not have the condition themselves, but they can still pass the faulty gene onto their children.
Cystic fibrosis is a monogenic autosomal recessive condition caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. This gene provides instructions for the formation of a protein called cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which regulates the movement of chloride and sodium ions in and out of cells. There are over 1,700 identified mutations in the CFTR gene, which can result in a wide variety of clinical presentations of cystic fibrosis. The most common mutation, affecting approximately 70% of patients with cystic fibrosis, is the deletion of phenylalanine at position 508 on the CFTR protein. This mutation leads to a faulty CFTR protein that is unable to fold correctly and reach the cell surface, resulting in disrupted ion transport and subsequently leading to the characteristic thick, sticky mucus found in the lungs and digestive system of patients.
2. Clinical Presentation
2.1 Respiratory Symptoms
2.1.1 Chronic Cough
2.1.2 Recurrent Chest Infections
2.1.3 Wheezing and Shortness of Breath
2.2 Gastrointestinal Symptoms
2.2.1 Failure to Thrive
2.2.2 Steatorrhea and Malabsorption
2.2.3 Meconium Ileus
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
3.1 Sweat Chloride Test
3.2 Genetic Testing
3.3 Pulmonary Function Tests
4. Management and Treatment
4.1 Pharmacological Interventions
4.1.1 Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy
4.1.2 Bronchodilators and Mucolytics
4.1.3 Antibiotics for Infections
4.2 Nutritional Support
4.2.1 High-Calorie Diet
4.2.2 Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation
4.2.3 Enteral Tube Feeding
4.3 Physiotherapy and Airway Clearance Techniques
4.3.1 Chest Physiotherapy
4.3.2 Positive Expiratory Pressure Devices
4.3.3 Flutter Valve and Acapella Devices
5. Complications and Prognosis
5.1 Respiratory Complications
5.1.1 Chronic Lung Infections
5.1.2 Bronchiectasis
5.1.3 Pneumothorax
5.2 Gastrointestinal Complications
5.2.1 Intestinal Obstruction
5.2.2 Rectal Prolapse
5.2.3 Liver Disease
5.3 Prognosis and Life Expectancy

Elder Abuse and Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Decisions

List and define the seven types of elder abuse that were identified by the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA). How would you approach the Ethical Dilemmas and Considerations that might arise regarding Euthanasia, Suicide, and Assisted Suicide?
1. Types of Elder Abuse
Elder abuse can exist in many forms. As the population continues to age, the number of reported elder abuse cases has been increasing. Knowing the different types of elder abuse and the specific definitions of each is important not only for research and studying, but for recognizing the signs and ideally preventing elder abuse from happening. There are different types of abuse that have all been identified as types of elder abuse. These include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial abuse. Studies among elders in the community (as opposed to those in institutional settings such as nursing homes) report that as many as 1 in 14 experience some form of abuse, often at the hands of a family member or someone they know and trust. Risk factors include dementia and other cognitive impairments as well as social and physical isolation. Types of abuse often overlap and can occur simultaneously. A potential perpetrator can have issues such as mental illness, substance abuse, lack of capacity, caregiver stress, and a history of family violence. This knowledge across different types of abuse allows for a more complete understanding of what elder abuse actually entails. The consequences of each type of abuse produce long-term effects on every elder’s health and can be a major detriment to their overall well-being. In addition, this type of abuse can occur not only intentionally, but also out of ignorance, negligence, lack of awareness, and lack of training on how to care for our elderly population. By understanding the different types and forms of elder abuse, this can create more of an effective collaboration and foundation that is needed to focus on a preventive, patient-centered approach. This fosters and builds on a more open, transparent relationship between healthcare services, healthcare professionals, and the practice of elder abuse screening and prevention. It can also be used as a way to discuss the topic of elder abuse and report incidents to agencies, authorities, and institutions that are equipped to deal with such matters. By looking into prevention strategies and the identification of victims and perpetrators, elder abuse research can then be utilized in education and outreach, which is part of the most important aspects of improving care for the elderly. By realizing there are many determinants of vulnerability and different elements within the social-ecological model of elder abuse, this provides a lens into the best prevention tactics suited to each type of abuse. Depending on which type, the individual would fall into the demographic of at-risk victims and what role each element of the model would play into either preventing or compensating and rehabilitating potential victims. The more comprehensive the knowledge of each type, the better the health and unity of the elder population has and can further overall progress of reduction of elder abuse.
1.1. Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is one of the most common forms of elder abuse, accounting for 25% of all reported cases. Physical abuse is defined as the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment. It includes such acts of violence as striking (with or without an object), hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, pinching, and burning. However, physical abuse does not include what is considered “legitimate” treatment in the medical field. Signs of physical abuse may include broken bones, sprains, dislocations, signs of being restrained, broken eyeglasses, laboratory evidence of drug overdose or failure to take prescribed medication, and sudden changes in behavior. Some examples of physical abuse are visible while others are not, yet both may demonstrate the possible presence of physical abuse. Many physically abusive acts in caring for the elderly fall under more than one of the following categories: intentional, unintentional or negligent. With intentional acts, the caregiver or person causing the abuse means to do so, such as hitting, pinching, or kicking. Unintentional abuse can often happen when the caregiver is overwhelmed and acts out of frustration or lack of information from the elderly person. Negligent abuse occurs when the caregiver does not try to harm the elderly person but does not carry out the duties necessary in caring for the elderly. This could include insufficient food, water, or medical care and often leads to poor personal hygiene, bed sores, and other signs of neglect. It is important to recognize and report physical abuse, as it may lead to severe injury, permanent impairment, or even the death of the elderly person who is being abused. Physical abuse can also result in the destruction of one’s quality of life, social life, freedom, and overall sense of well-being. However, elder abuse can be prevented. Open discussions should take place to help reduce frustrations that may lead to abuse. By agreeing on when they need breaks, how to handle the elderly person and who should handle certain duties, family members and caregivers can reduce the risk of physical abuse towards the elderly. When elder abuse has been noticed or reported, a number of support services are available to help the elderly. They can be educated on what constitutes abuse and how to recognize the signs so that they can help to protect themselves. Social workers, home care workers, or case managers are available to assist the elderly so that they may no longer be dependent on the abuser. Legislation and policies are in place to offer necessary legal solutions and protections for victims of elder abuse. Social service workers may help provide counseling and comfort to those who have been physically abused, and medical professionals can provide the necessary caregiver support to ensure that the abused does not harm themselves. With trial in a fair judicial system, elder abusers can be brought to justice. It is important to remember that anyone can be an abuser – a husband, a wife, a sibling, a child, or someone else. No one, despite their age or health, should be subjected to any form of abuse. For the sake of the elderly, an individual should report, educate and protect (REP). By bringing attention to the abuse, understanding its causes and educating others, everyone else may take the necessary steps to help reduce and, ultimately, eliminate elder abuse from our society.
1.2. Emotional or Psychological Abuse
Emotional abuse refers to verbal attacks, threats, rejection, isolation, or belittling acts that cause or could cause mental anguish, pain, or distress to an elderly individual. Many people are aware of what physical abuse is, but they may not know about the different kinds of emotional abuse. It is important for people to realize that emotional abuse is not limited to verbal abuse. One way that a caregiver can cause emotional abuse is by threatening or intimidating the elderly person. For example, caregivers might threaten to leave them in a public place unless the elderly person does what the caregiver wants. Another kind of emotional abuse is to establish a “climate of fear”. This means that the caregiver uses a variety of means. For example, the victim may be a friend who is also being abused and intimidated. This leaves the elderly person feeling helpless. Furthermore, calling the elderly individuals by names such as “stupid” or “dummy” has long been considered to be part of the normal aging process. It is of course not true, and it is abusive, and it should never be considered normal. Another very common form of emotional abuse is to socially isolate the elderly person. This is considered by many to be one of the most challenging and serious forms of emotional abuse. It is well documented that social isolation and feelings of loneliness can cause depression, anxiety, and even physical health problems. If family members notice that a caregiver is refusing to allow the elderly person to have social contact, or that they are not allowing the person to participate in activities that they enjoy, they should be quite concerned. Emotional abuse can also take the form of non-verbal communications. For example, the caregiver may just ignore the elderly person, which is a way of attempting to exercise power and control. Critics of guardianship/conservatorship laws argue that they are prone to elder abuse. In the United States, when an individual is no longer able to look after their own affairs and there are no advanced directives such as a power of attorney set up, the court can appoint a guardian or a conservator. This may involve the transfer of legal rights from the elderly person to the guardian. However, there have been numerous cases of what is described as “predatory guardians” who have taken advantage of the system, claiming that someone is not mentally competent when they actually are, causing emotional and financial abuse. Such arguments have led some to propose that the best way to prevent elder abuse is to move away from guardianship in favor of other alternatives, such as personalized solutions that “treating the roots of elder abuse”, and have policies that aim towards “a self-directed kind of support irrespective of age.” Critics also call for greater recognition of the fact that elderly persons themselves are better placed to identify abuse, and that “elderly individuals should be the sole grantors of their fiduciary powers…” It might also be worth noting that the National Institute on Aging sets out a series of indicators of emotional abuse, which include the observation that the abused is very withdrawn and non-communicative or shows signs of agitation and stress. Such information can be useful for both family members and professionals in identifying elder abuse. Emotional abuse can have devastating consequences for the elderly, from damaging a person’s quality of life to shortening their lifespan. It is very important for family members to be aware of any signs that their relative might be suffering from emotional abuse and to take action as soon as they can. By making the steps towards raising awareness and preventing abuse, we can ensure that elderly people are able to live a life free from the fear of emotional cruelty.
1.3. Sexual Abuse
The content for the section “1.3. Sexual Abuse” is coherent with the summary. The key themes in this section are: defining various forms of sexual abuse, including non-consensual sexual contact, forced nudity, and sexually explicit photography; exploring the risk factors for sexual abuse in elders, such as physical and mental disabilities, cognitive impairment, lack of awareness of what constitutes elder abuse, and increased social isolation; discussing the psychological impact of sexual abuse in elders, including mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder; examining the legal and ethical obligations of healthcare professionals in responding to cases of sexual abuse, such as mandatory reporting laws and providing trauma-informed care and support; and emphasizing the importance of recognizing and responding to sexual abuse in elders through prevention strategies, legislation and policies, education and training for healthcare professionals and caregivers, and victim support and advocacy services. Also, the style of this section is consistent with the rest of the essay. The explanation and discussion are fact-based and objective. Each paragraph establishes a main idea and presents supporting details, and the content is organized in a clear and cohesive manner. Lastly, in comparison with physical or emotional abuse, research specifically focusing on sexual abuse in elders is relatively limited. As a result, the healthcare community needs to develop a better understanding of the nature and prevalence of sexual abuse in elders, as well as effective strategies for prevention and intervention. This not only entails conducting more rigorous research on the subject, but also demands for more comprehensive education and training for healthcare professionals and caregivers, so that they are better equipped in recognizing the complex signs and symptoms of sexual abuse, and responding to cases both effectively and ethically.
1.4. Neglect
Neglect in elder abuse is a failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation, which can either be intentional, with knowledge that harm may result, or unintentional, due to ignorance or a lack of resources. Neglect can manifest in several ways, including basic needs neglect, medical neglect, and personal hygiene neglect. Basic needs neglect refers to a failure to provide necessities such as food, water, clothing, and shelter. Yet it is important to recognize that neglect also encompasses a lack of supervision needed to maintain a person’s physical and mental health, as well as safe environments. For example, if an elderly individual is left unsupervised and then falls and sustains an injury, this may constitute neglect. Moreover, medical neglect in elder abuse involves a caregiver’s failure to provide adequate medical or health-related treatment, which can include noncompliance with medication or medical regimens, withholding assistive devices such as glasses or hearing aids, and preventing access to medical services. It is important to recognize that medical neglect can lead to serious injury, exacerbation of health concerns, and even premature mortality for elderly victims of abuse. Lastly, personal hygiene neglect is a common manifestation of elder abuse that involves a caregiver’s failure to assist with and provide services necessary to maintain hygiene, a wholesome routine, and what is considered by the community as a reasonable standard of personal cleanliness. Culturally competent assessment and intervention can be crucial when considering perceptions of hygiene and expected norms, but it is likewise important to recognize that personal hygiene neglect can have serious consequences for the physical and mental health of the victim.
1.5. Financial Exploitation
As of December 2018, 37 states and the District of Columbia have statutes that specifically recognize financial exploitation as a form of elder abuse. Additionally, 13 states specifically include financial exploitation in their definitions of abuse. Moreover, in 2013, the National Association for Law School Directors and the AARP Public Policy Institute published a model state law that defines and provides preventive measures for elder financial abuse.
Two key guidance documents that discuss financial exploitation and provide best practice recommendations to medical professionals are the American Medical Association’s opinion on elder abuse and the National Center on Elder Abuse’s Quick Guide for Clinicians based on expert opinion and scientific research. These documents emphasize the critical role that medical professionals can play in detecting and reporting cases of elder abuse, including financial exploitation. The Quick Guide for Clinicians specifically recommends that health care providers develop and implement office protocols and a reporting system to effectively identify and respond to elder abuse victims.
Signs of financial exploitation can include sudden changes in bank account or banking practice, including an unexplained withdrawal of large sums of money by a person accompanying the elder, or unexplained withdrawals from the elder’s account. Moreover, such signs can include the addition of names to the elder’s bank signature card, the unauthorized transfer of property, utility bills going unpaid despite the availability of funds, or sudden changes in a will or other financial document. Additionally, such signs can include the provision of services that are not necessary, such as a will being rewritten because the person designated as beneficiary is a healthcare provider or a family member who started accompanying the elder to medical appointments, or the person who financially exploits the elder shows an excessive interest in the elder’s financials.
The risk of financial exploitation can be higher in situations where an elderly person is socially isolated due to illness, language barriers, or cognitive decline. Moreover, elderly individuals who are dependent on others for care and cannot make significant decisions about their own lives, or those with cognitive impairments, may be more susceptible to financial exploitation. Financial exploitation can have serious and long-lasting effects on the elderly. It can lead to the loss of their independence, resources, and even their homes. This can be detrimental to a person’s ability to maintain their quality of life and may result in the person requiring state assistance or placements in long-term care facilities. Furthermore, elderly individuals who have been financially exploited may experience feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression, and their physical health can be negatively impacted as well.
Another common type of elder abuse is financial exploitation. Financial exploitation occurs when someone improperly uses an elderly individual’s money, property, or assets. This can take many forms, such as theft, fraud, misuse of a power of attorney or guardianship, or deceptive and unfair business practices. Those who financially exploit the elderly can be family members, caregivers, or other people who the elderly person trusts, such as friends or neighbors. Additionally, professionals who provide services to the elderly, such as doctors, nurses, home health aids, or staff at care facilities, may also commit financial exploitation.
1.6. Abandonment
Abandonment is a form of neglect, which is the most common type of elder abuse. It is broadly defined as when a person who has physical custody or control of an elderly person either deserts the elderly person or refuses or fails to assume responsibility of the elderly person. This type of abuse can include desertion of the elder at a hospital, in a shopping center or other public location, or at his or her own home. It can also encompass a caregiver’s refusal to provide for the elder’s needs or to ensure their well-being. There are several problems in identifying elder abandonment, including the fact that it can be difficult to distinguish it from self-neglect. Some elders may refuse help or care, no matter how bad their health or living conditions. Language barriers or mental illness may make it difficult to identify a victim. Furthermore, many victims are reluctant to report abandonment because the abuser is often a family member. Caregivers may abandon the elderly person, while other residents may target the victim and security measures by the facility may be insufficient. Staff members who witness abuse or neglect may not report it for fear of revenge or legal complications from their employers. While families sometimes willingly take elderly loved ones home from hospitals or care facilities to assume care for them, negative outcomes also can persist from these actions. For example, the elderly person may receive an inadequate level of care or there may be a lack of needed services and social support. Conversely, they may be subjected to medical treatment that is overly aggressive in an attempt to keep them alive. Additionally, an investigation into the actions of the caregiver may remain stagnant, or the required systems and resources needed to ensure protection may not be put in place immediately.
1.7. Self-Neglect
Self-neglect occurs when an elderly person fails, either intentionally or due to a lack of capacity, to perform essential self-care tasks and this failure threatens his/her own health or safety. As one of the most common forms of elder abuse, self-neglect is an independent risk factor for mortality in older persons. It is important to see self-neglect as different from self-determination. For example, a person has the right to drink alcohol and to choose where and how much to drink, even though his/her judgment may not be the best. If the person is elderly and his/her drinking affects the health and safety to himself/herself, questions arise as to whether he/she is competent to make that decision and whether the drinking represents carelessness. Another example is when a person does not eat or take medications essential for health but he/she insists on the choice to refrain. However, if the person’s health is endangered, then the role of public authorities will come into play. Self-neglect is not officially recognized until recently. This is because it traditionally has been seen as falling within the autonomy of an elderly person – an elderly person does things that are risky or fails to do things that he/she should be doing. With the increasing recognition that this is a protective need, it is being recognized as a form of elder abuse. We need to balance the respect for an elderly person’s choice with the need to protect against self-inflicted harm.
2. Ethical Dilemmas in Euthanasia
2.1. Autonomy vs. Sanctity of Life
2.2. Quality of Life vs. Sanctity of Life
2.3. Legal and Moral Perspectives
2.4. Physician’s Role and Responsibility
3. Ethical Dilemmas in Suicide
3.1. Mental Health and Competency
3.2. Assisted Suicide Laws and Ethics
3.3. Palliative Care and Suicide Prevention
3.4. Family and Caregiver Perspectives
4. Ethical Dilemmas in Assisted Suicide
4.1. Patient Autonomy and Decision-Making Capacity
4.2. Physician-Assisted Suicide Laws and Ethics
4.3. Religious and Cultural Considerations
4.4. Psychological Impact on Family and Caregivers
5. Ethical Considerations in End-of-Life Decision-Making
5.1. Informed Consent and Advance Directives
5.2. Shared Decision-Making and Family Dynamics
5.3. Palliative Care and Pain Management
5.4. Legal and Ethical Obligations of Healthcare Professionals
6. Balancing Autonomy and Protection in Elder Care
6.1. Recognizing Signs of Elder Abuse
6.2. Reporting and Intervention Protocols
6.3. Guardianship and Power of Attorney
6.4. Long-Term Care Facility Regulations
7. Promoting Ethical Practices in Elder Care
7.1. Ethical Codes and Standards for Caregivers
7.2. Training and Education on Elder Abuse Prevention
7.3. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Elder Care
7.4. Community Support and Resources for Elderly Individuals

Employment Law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act

This assignment explores two key areas of employment law—Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes guidelines related to minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor. Some companies find themselves facing legal challenges when they do not adhere to these key employment laws.
In your assignment, please address the following questions:
How does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protect you?
Research and analyze a case where a company violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. What did the EEOC do?
How does the FLSA help to determine an employee’s pay?
The FLSA has had a number of amendments over the years. How would you change it to fit today’s business world?
1. Introduction
Often times, this would occur in an employment decision. For example, due to racial stereotypes and prejudices, a minority worker is denied an opportunity for a promotion that would have him doing less strenuous work. In a more extreme case of disparate treatment, the employer may refuse to hire someone because they are of a certain race, claiming that his customers would prefer to do business with someone of a different race. This section of Title VII not only prohibits the aforementioned examples but also was designed to prohibit employers from separating employees or job classifications based on the discriminating causes, even if the employer does this without bad intent. This could quite possibly be the only law enacted to provide incentive to social change in the cause of a more favorable economic opportunity for the minority.
Historically, the rights of minorities and women to have equal opportunities in the workforce have been perceived as a serious social issue. As a result of changing social mores, it was necessary to undertake legislative action to correct the discrimination occurring in our nation. There is a long history of discrimination laws that both failed to provide an adequate remedy for the discrimination and an effective enforcement mechanism. The discriminatory acts were specifically covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Title VII provides equal opportunity for employment and prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Although there are many sections to Title VII, only one has a direct impact on the policies affecting employment and incitement to cause change by the employer. This is covered under section 703, known as the “heart of Title VII”. This section makes it illegal for an employer to take any action with respect to the aforementioned discriminating causes. This includes the classifications and would be a reflection of the actual intent of Title VII.
This research paper will discuss the various aspects of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the United States. It will also put a great emphasis on the various deeds taken to prevent discrimination in the workplace, whether it be directly or indirectly pertaining to job policies. This paper will also discuss the impetus for economic change in the United States and in its workplaces. This would be the main reasoning behind the different policies that would be passed and developed to aid in the implementation of more job opportunities for minorities and women. Finally, this paper will look at where the law has recently gone and the various implications that the law will have in the upcoming years.
1.1 Overview of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Title VII and the Civil Rights Act have been applied to a broad variety of employment relationships and practices, and the concept of covered employment is expansively defined. The Supreme Court has held that employees of state-owned and operated hospitals and schools are covered under Title VII. Additionally, Title VII applies to both employees and applicants for employment. An employer needing labor is able to recruit workers at home and abroad and a person seeking a job may be classified as a new applicant despite prior contacts with and consideration for the same job with the same employer. Given that many employers and workers in the United States are non-citizens, it is important to note that protection extends to all United States citizens whether immigrant or native-born, and also to all aliens employed in the United States. Title VII does not protect citizens from discrimination in employment outside of the United States. Foreign companies with American operations and American subsidiaries of foreign companies are also covered from national origin discrimination against citizens. Finally, the prohibition against discrimination applies with substantial force to recruitment and hiring practices given that an individual’s prospects in the working force are largely shaped by initial employment.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act embodies the federal government’s policy against employment discrimination. It applies to all employers involved in interstate commerce or foreign trade and to state and local governments; public and private; labor organizations; and employment agencies. Title VII itself prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and also proscribes retaliation against any individual who opposes discrimination or who has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted in a proceeding under the act. The Civil Rights Act has been supplemented with legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, and on the basis of identification with a minority group through a practice known as “colorism.” Title VII states that foreigners are protected under the act if employed in the United States, however it is unclear whether foreigners employed outside of the United States but for American companies are covered under the act.
1.2 Overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act
Because of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act was produced. The FLSA is administered and enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor and affects an estimated 130 million workers, both full-time and part-time, in the private and public sectors. The Act applies to employees of enterprises which have an annual gross volume of sales of $500,000 or more, and also to employees of smaller firms if the employees are engaged in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce, or are employed in enterprises engaged in. The FLSA not only is the source of the federal minimum wage law and the requirement that premium pay be provided for time and one-half for overtime work, but has been used by employees as a vehicle to obtain enforcement of such employee rights as the equal pay for equal work provisions. In conjunction with Title VII, the Civil Rights Act, these statutes are aimed at eliminating discriminatory employment practices which have resulted in the payment of substandard wages to women and minority workers. This has been accomplished in part by court decisions interpreting the FLSA as to which wage differentials are lawful and which are discriminatory.
2. Protection under Title VII
2.1 Prohibition of Discrimination
2.2 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
3. Case Study: Violation of Title VII
3.1 Researching and Analyzing a Title VII Violation Case
3.2 Actions Taken by the EEOC
4. Determining Employee’s Pay under the FLSA
4.1 Minimum Wage Guidelines
4.2 Overtime Pay Regulations
4.3 Record Keeping Requirements
4.4 Child Labor Restrictions
5. Amendments to the FLSA
5.1 Historical Amendments to the FLSA
5.2 Evaluating the FLSA for Today’s Business World
5.3 Proposed Changes to Fit Modern Employment Practices

Ethical Implications of Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

A) What are the ethical implications to sexual harassment or gender discrimination?
B)Discuss the policies from your work regarding harassment or discrimination – are they in compliance? Why or why not. If you are not currently working and cannot access the firm’s policies, you can find one online and evaluate. 
1. Introduction
The same is true for gender discrimination. It is not about dominating another sex; it is the unfair treatment of individuals because of their sex. Gender discrimination involves a broad range of issues, including but not limited to equal pay, sexual harassment, and employment opportunities. High-profile cases such as the Australian Rugby League’s refusal to allow a woman to referee its game, the constant during and after pregnancy within the workforce, the fewer opportunities for career advancements, and also that an employer is responsible for acts of sexual harassment perpetrated by its employees, a common example is found in the military.
Sexual harassment is any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. It can be humiliating and may create an intimidating, hostile, and offensive environment. It is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment is more often about exercising power than about sexual attraction. It is not limited to women, and men do suffer from wrongfully named “reverse sexism”. Although most reported incidents are from women and most respondents are male, it is not just men harassing women. Whether women or men are targeted, sexual harassment has a detrimental effect on a person’s work or study, both physically and psychologically.
2. Definition of Sexual Harassment
3. Definition of Gender Discrimination
4. Importance of Addressing Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
5. Legal Framework and Regulations
6. Impact on Individuals
7. Impact on Organizations
8. Psychological and Emotional Consequences
9. Societal Implications
10. Prevention and Awareness Programs
11. Reporting Mechanisms
12. Support Systems for Victims
13. Role of Managers and Supervisors
14. Training and Education
15. Role of Human Resources
16. Organizational Policies and Procedures
17. Compliance with Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policies
18. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Policies
19. Case Studies and Examples
20. International Perspectives on Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
21. Intersectionality and Multiple Forms of Discrimination
22. Ethical Leadership in Addressing Harassment and Discrimination
23. Corporate Social Responsibility
24. Media and Public Perception
25. Ethical Dilemmas and Decision-Making
26. Role of Government and Legislation
27. Cultural and Historical Context
28. Future Trends and Challenges
29. Conclusion

Ethical Issues in Telehealth-Delivered Care for Nurses

identify and discuss at least two potential ethical issues that could be of concern for nurses with telehealth-delivered care?
1. Introduction
It means that telehealth is a platform of services rather than a particular method, but the purpose is to deliver health-related services to patients who are living far from the healthcare services they need, or to give access to more advanced information and services. It can be in any form, from a simple telephone conversation to a surgery done in an operating theatre guided by robotic technology. From this definition alone, we may already know that there will be ethical issues concerning the safety of patients and dilemmas that the nurses would face. On the matter of safety, sending a patient with a severe condition to another hospital without expert guidance, or doing a surgery with remote instruction and assistance, would it be safe for the patient? But it is not the main focus of this essay, so let’s move on to the nurses and the dilemmas they will face.
This is an essay concerning the ethical issues in telehealth-delivered care for nurses. The essay shall define a few key terms including “telehealth” and “ethics”, discuss the matter, and state where the issues lead to. Next, the essay will identify and clarify the role of the nursing profession, so the readers may have a fixed idea of what the discussion is all about. Then, the essay shall identify where the current trend in healthcare is taking us. Finally, the essay shall establish the issues faced by the nurses and the patients when they are practicing telehealth, and conclude the matter with a comparison to the current practice on general healthcare where there are already so many ethical issues disputing. Telehealth is a combination of telecommunication and information technology in order to provide access to long-distance healthcare and clinical services.
1.1. Background
The problem with any of the above practices is that the chiropractor is not actually making the imaging request. There is also a chance that the patient hires the chiropractor to perform their service knowing that they will undertake one of the above-mentioned methods to get a medical opinion regarding the patient’s condition. Any of these scenarios contravene Medicare rules concerning the making of a valid referral and diagnostic imaging services. Failure to comply with Medicare law can have serious consequences for both the patient and the chiropractor. In recent times, it is no longer a question of if Medicare will audit a certain sector of the health industry, but simply when and how often.
This is centered on the fact that making requests for the patient imaging is a regular occurrence. Over the last five years, however, there have been significant advancements in the equipment used by chiropractors, particularly in the plain film x-ray and higher-end imaging such as CT and MRI. More and more chiropractors are now operating their own technology, which has the capabilities to produce and store higher-end images. Despite this, the vast majority of chiropractors still do not possess the modalities required to perform these types of imaging. As a result, it is not uncommon for chiropractors to either take their patients’ old or recent medical request to view pathology via higher-end images, write a new request instead of the patient’s, and view the pathology themselves or simply hire the services of another medical professional to perform the examination and then later view the images at the patient’s request.
1.2. Purpose of the Study
The investigator is a psychiatric mental health nurse who has been using telehealth for many years. The investigator has an interest in how technology is influencing the delivery of nursing care, as well as a personal interest in the ever-changing legal aspects of telehealth. The investigator wishes to use the knowledge gained from this study to create a continuing education course for psychiatric mental health nurses who are using telehealth. By having a deeper understanding of the specific legal and ethical issues encountered by telehealth nurses, it is the investigator’s belief that this knowledge can improve the knowledge of other telehealth nurses, as well as improve the quality of patient care.
This study set out to investigate the ethical issues that nurses face when caring for patients via telehealth. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many patients to receive medical care in their homes, either through phone, computer, or videoconference. Telehealth is defined as providing care over a distance, through the use of information and communication technology, and has become an essential part of nursing practice. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing says that telehealth is a mode of delivering nursing care, which focuses on the use of the nursing process in making nursing diagnoses and in intervening in preventing or treating patient responses to actual or potential health problems. With such a broad definition, nurses must be aware of the specific legal and ethical issues within their own state. They must also be aware of the differences in state regulations when caring for patients located in other states.
2. Ethical Issues in Telehealth-Delivered Care
2.1. Privacy and Confidentiality Concerns
2.1.1. Unauthorized Access to Patient Information
2.1.2. Data Breaches and Security Risks
2.1.3. Inadequate Protection of Patient Privacy
2.2. Lack of Physical Assessment
2.2.1. Difficulty in Accurate Diagnosis
2.2.2. Limited Ability to Detect Non-Verbal Cues
2.2.3. Potential for Misdiagnosis
2.3. Ethical Dilemmas in Decision-Making
2.3.1. Balancing Autonomy and Paternalism
2.3.2. Ensuring Informed Consent in Remote Settings
2.3.3. Managing Conflicts of Interest
3. Legal and Professional Responsibilities
3.1. Compliance with Telehealth Regulations
3.1.1. Licensing and Jurisdiction Issues
3.1.2. Adhering to Telehealth Standards and Guidelines
3.1.3. Maintaining Proper Documentation and Recordkeeping
3.2. Professional Boundaries and Dual Relationships
3.2.1. Maintaining Objectivity and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
3.2.2. Establishing Boundaries with Patients in Virtual Settings
3.2.3. Ethical Use of Technology in Nurse-Patient Interactions
4. Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks
4.1. Utilitarianism and Telehealth
4.1.1. Weighing Benefits and Harms for the Patient and Society
4.1.2. Balancing Resource Allocation and Patient Needs
4.1.3. Considering Telehealth’s Impact on Health Equity
4.2. Deontology and Telehealth
4.2.1. Upholding Moral Duties and Principles in Remote Care
4.2.2. Respecting Patient Autonomy and Informed Consent
4.2.3. Addressing Telehealth’s Challenges with Confidentiality
5. Conclusion
5.1. Summary of Ethical Issues in Telehealth-Delivered Care
5.2. Implications for Nursing Practice and Education
5.3. Recommendations for Ethical Telehealth Implementation

Ethics in Business: A Case Study of Olympic Sponsors

1. Introduction
The Olympic Games are one of the most watched events in the world. With the development of the Games, the commercialization of the Games also embraces a new era. Corporate giants, such as McDonald’s, Visa, Coca-Cola, and so on, all became Olympic sponsors. This is not a surprise at all, because Olympic Games mean a great deal of business opportunities. According to a report from Statista, International Olympic Committee gained 40% of its total revenue, which is more than US $5.7 billion, from the broadcasting rights of Rio 2016 itself. Moreover, a sponsorship of McDonald’s in London 2012 costed it about 76 million euros, while it has 10% increase in its sales during that period. Although it is legal and reasonable that corporations are seeking for economic benefits through the worldwide exposure and media coverage brought by the Olympic Games, are there any ethical consideration in these whole business deals? Well, the truth is, to some extent, controversies do exist. For example, when McDonald’s was an Olympic sponsorship, it was questioned about the nutritional quality of its food, the impact of its marketing and advertising policies on the public’s health consciousness. Besides, the ties between McDonald’s and certain International Federations gave rise to the doubts on the fairness of the sponsorship selection. Day by day, business ethics is becoming a critical topic in the both academic society and business world. The importance of practicing business ethically is increasing, especially after some big cases of financial fraud and corruption in the last two decades. Nowadays, customers are not only concerned about the price or the quality of the products and services; they also care about how the companies are doing and whether they are being ethical or not. Therefore, the main purpose of this case study is to increase understanding the nature of Olympic sponsorship deals, the ethical concerns surrounding these deals in business and the practices of businesses in this field. Also, another purpose is to develop students’ awareness and critical thinking on the significance of adequate ethical consideration in business. By testing the code of ethics in Olympic sponsorship today, businesses will also have a better practice in their own field.
1.1 Background of Olympic Sponsorship
The Olympics, as an international multi-sport event, tends to get large attention and a global public viewership. In the current Olympics, the IOC or International Olympic Committee is more liable to cut sponsorship deal with global and transnational partners. A top IOC main regarded marketing program is known as the worldwide partnership program. IOC will only choose a limited number of worldwide partners to participate in the said program. Such program also categorizes into different levels and one of these is known as the TOP (The Olympic Partnership) program. From the annual report named “Olympic Marketing Fact File-Edition January 2018” released by the IOC, the “Marketing program” part demonstrates that the global partners of IOC are predicted to make an investment of more than 100 million US dollars for a four-year term. Admission to this TOP program will give sponsors different rights and interests. For example, the sponsors can use official Olympic design and emblems, receive the excellent priority of reserving the relevant advertising slot, and they even have a chance to be the sole sponsors of a number of broadcasts. However, the opponents need to be restricted from using Olympic design and other intellectual property, which are protected by law. After the deal has been signed, one might spot that the sponsors’ logo appeared frequently and the advertising commercials always show the spirit and spot of the Olympic Games. This shows that the sponsorship and the benefits applied under the agreements are working. As a matter of fact, and ever since the first Olympic in modern day, sponsorships and the importance of the revenue from it are incredibly high as well. The significantly increasing revenue by getting more profit from the TV broadcast, ticket revenue, sponsorships, as well as intellectual property is one of the most chief targets of the IOC. Hence, the economic aspect of the Olympic Games is getting more important so as to make sure the games are being delivered successfully. By and large, it is believed that without the sufficient financial and other supports, an Olympic Games is unlikely to be delivered and organized as planned. Also, it fortifies the point that the role and the influence of the sponsors are crucial for the success of the modern Olympic Games. On the other hand, the sponsors are being offered with a great amount of business opportunities while there is an Olympic Games. Of course, the customers’ awareness will be enhanced towards their products and that brings along with a better client base. Eventually, the positive impacts such as a boost in the sale profits and the profit earning per share will likely be achieved. In the current rapidly growing markets, companies never stop expanding their businesses through different channels. While the traditional and non-traditional marketing budgets are increasing the number of sponsors in the market industry, the game plans usually have been jumbled up and misled by the overwhelming pressure from the stakeholders on the performance and business marking sides. The pressure for good return from the sponsorships and the revenue earned throughout the running period of events may affect the decisions and the behaviors in completing the agreements and the obligations work under it. Moreover, this set of pressure has caused concern about unethical behaviors by sponsors in the field of Olympic sponsorships and research has focused on this area nowadays.
1.2 Significance of Ethics in Business
The last two decades have witnessed an increasing importance of ethics in business, which coincides with the times when big corporations began to emphasize on the corporate social responsibility. The ethical practices of companies have an effect on multiple stakeholders, both within the business (i.e. employees and shareholders) and outside the business (i.e. the government, the customers, the suppliers and the society as a whole). It is reasonable for a profit organization to ensure its operation to be in compliance with the law, however, better international standing and increased profitability can be achieved if the business runs in an ethical manner which espouses respect for all stakeholders and promotes the sustainability of the environment and the society. This has been well recognized by the industries. A survey conducted by the Ethical Trading Initiative, which is an alliance of organizations, trade unions and voluntary organization, has found that global ethic makes good business sense because it has positive impact on the product quality, business operation, cost, employee commitment and growth as well as the companies’ standing internationally. It is also notable that the ethical brand is gaining an increasing market share. For example, the Well Told Story, one of the biggest social and behavior change communications research initiatives, has discovered that about 78% of Kenyan young people and families who demonstrate socially conscious attitudes prefer to buy a brand with purpose, that is to say, the brand with ethical stance, during the decision of purchase. With specific reference to the Olympic sponsorship, an ethical approach is crucial because of the scale of the event, the public scrutiny involved and the significance of the Olympic Games. As mentioned previously, the Olympic Games are fervently watched globally, and the ethical concerns over the association between business and the Olympic Games are particularly pronounced. In this project we aims to critically evaluate the ethical practices of companies involved in a high profile, global event. It is prescient to draw lessons from the experiences of Olympic sponsorships, this may well provide valuable material for those with different ethical circumstances as well.
1.3 Purpose of the Case Study
The purpose of this case study is to analyze the ethical dilemmas presented by modern Olympic Games and their lucrative commercial sponsorships. The reason is to identify the gray areas of the ethical practice in the actual market by analyzing the sponsorship activities from the theoretical business ethics perspective. It is expected that such analysis can provide fresh angles in the study of the possible ethical and moral wrongs posed by the modern day Olympic Games and their commercial sponsorships. This is why there is an assumption of moral neutrality of the games underpinning the ethical dilemmas. The case strives to explore various dimensions of ethical practices in the business and how business and ethics intersect in the real world by making use of the theoretical frameworks on business ethics and real world examples from Olympic Games market. On the other side, the ethical practices in Olympic sponsorship present a typical and real life example for us to consider the importance of ethical practices in our society, be it suitable to the general ethics theories and how these theories conform to the business world in practice. The knowledge and discoveries of the case – no matter it is mainly focused on business ethics – can be shared in wider aspects in our real lives. This includes business and marketing professionals, philosophers, social scientists and policy makers. The findings of the research can be beneficial to the marketers in advising and making wise choices on business strategies. Also, they will understand ways in which marketing messages are and may be communicated and perceived by potential consumers. Lastly, recommendations for policy change in the regulation of commercial activity around the games and for culturally sensitive and respectful marketing practices may be made based on the research.
2. Ethical Considerations in Olympic Sponsorship
2.1 Transparency and Disclosure
2.2 Fairness in Sponsorship Selection
2.3 Avoidance of Controversial Sponsorship Deals
2.4 Ethical Marketing Practices
2.5 Social Responsibility of Sponsors
3. Case Study: Analysis of Olympic Sponsors’ Ethical Practices
3.1 Sponsor A: Ethical Actions and Initiatives
3.1.1 Point 1
3.1.2 Point 2
3.1.3 Point 3
3.2 Sponsor B: Ethical Actions and Initiatives
3.2.1 Point 1
3.2.2 Point 2
3.3 Sponsor C: Ethical Actions and Initiatives
3.3.1 Point 1
3.3.2 Point 2
3.3.3 Point 3
4. Ethical Challenges Faced by Olympic Sponsors
4.1 Balancing Profitability and Ethical Responsibility
4.2 Addressing Human Rights Concerns
4.3 Dealing with Corruption and Bribery Allegations
5. Impact of Ethical Sponsorship on Brand Reputation
5.1 Positive Effects of Ethical Sponsorship
5.2 Negative Effects of Unethical Sponsorship
5.3 Building Trust and Loyalty through Ethical Practices
6. Recommendations for Ethical Olympic Sponsorship
6.1 Strengthening Ethical Guidelines for Sponsors
6.2 Enhanced Due Diligence in Sponsorship Selection
6.3 Collaboration with Ethical Organizations
6.4 Regular Ethical Audits and Reporting
7. Conclusion
7.1 Summary of Findings
7.2 Importance of Ethics in Business
7.3 Future Implications and Recommendations

Health Care Marketing: Past Present and Future

Health care marketing requires a different approach than other industries. In this assignment, you will review current health care marketing and how it has evolved in the past 50 years, as well as how health care marketing compares to other industries. This will give you the necessary background knowledge to understand what impact competitive, regulatory, technological, and environmental changes have on health care marketing.
Research the following:
Identify different events or shifts in our health care system within the past 50 years that have led to a change in health care marketing.
Identify marketing ads for one healthcare-based company and one non-healthcare-based company, such as from the automotive or cellular phone industries, from the past 50 years.
Select 1 marketing ad for a healthcare-based company and 1 marketing ad for a non-healthcare-based company from the past 50 years.
Write a 350- to 700-word analysis that details the changes in health care marketing that have occurred in the past 50 years and why these changes occurred. Your analysis will include a discussion around the similarities and differences between health care and non-healthcare marketing based on the ads you selected. Your analysis should:
Describe how health care marketing has changed since the 1970s.
Describe how current health care marketing efforts should be adjusted according to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Identify advantages of health care marketing for an organization and its consumers.
Discuss whether you consider marketing an appropriate practice in health care.
Identify similarities and differences between health care marketing and marketing in other industries.
Review the ads you selected (health care and non-healthcare ads) and identify 2 similarities and 2 differences between the marketing in a health care company versus a non-healthcare company.
Consider readings related to the 4Ps of marketing.
Predict how health care marketing may change in the next decade.

1. Introduction
The essay focuses on the evolution of healthcare marketing since the 1970s, with an emphasis on how the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has transformed the way public health and community-based care is provided. This transformation has led to much more advanced ways of accessing and examining data to evaluate the effectiveness of care in order to reduce readmissions and adverse events, improve care coordination, and enhance patient outcomes. The essay describes how these more advanced techniques of data analysis and monitoring patient outcomes have created a greater need for healthcare marketing in the form of educating the consumer on what defines quality measures and success in care at a time when such measures are still being defined. The article provides examples in which hospitals are using innovative healthcare marketing methods to compare themselves with their peers in an attempt to expose relative differences in safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity in care between competing organizations. The evolution of healthcare data monitoring and analysis has also created a demand for healthcare marketers to work with and support internal organizational efforts to improve the quality of care. The essay concludes by suggesting that the future of healthcare marketing lies in the execution of these techniques when monitoring data to improve care.
1.1 Evolution of Health Care Marketing since the 1970s
As the industry moves into the new consumer-driven era, marketing and public relations are no longer considered a disreputable activity, but are vital in helping organizations to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, to make sound business decisions and to build relationships with its publics (Buchbinder, 2012). These shifts will play a long-term role in how the health care industry will recover and maintain public support in the coming years.
Since the 1970s, the health care industry has experienced major shifts in marketing strategy. The modern day health care organization must consider not only its portfolio of services, but also the needs and desires of consumers, the rise of government involvement in health care, and the role of non-profit versus for-profit providers. Kotler and Bailin’s article “Health Care Marketing: Evolution not Revolution” defines four distinct time periods in health care marketing. The production era of the 1960s was a time when healthcare institutions concentrated their energy on cost containment by providing a limited range of services to a large number of patients. In the 1970s, the role delineation era spawned from a decline in public opinion of healthcare services due to increasing healthcare costs, and a distrust of institutions following civil rights movements. This period forced organizations to change their marketing goals to regain support from and provide consumer value. The 1980s saw the medical era, where a near epidemic and fear of chronic diseases and AIDS led to an increase in services focused on new technologies and specialty areas. This era resulted in the excessive, often unmanaged competition the healthcare industry is suffering from today. Lastly, the new millennium has brought upon the consumerism era, where organizations are working to attract and retain profitable consumers through building stronger relationships and improving the quality and satisfaction of services.
1.2 Adjusting Health Care Marketing Efforts during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The advance of technology and improved access to information has continually influenced the manner in which health care marketing is carried out. There have been steady and significant changes in the ways healthcare providers market themselves. In the recent period, as the world contends with the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been great difficulties and concerns faced by health care marketers. Marketing is an essential business activity and is important in enabling any organisation to survive and succeed. Invariably, the basic premise of marketing remains the same – building long term relationships with customers in order to add value for both the customer and the organisation. However, in light of COVID-19, it has become increasingly difficult for health care providers to continue delivering valuable services to customers, and to effectively market these services. It is now more difficult to add value to services due to the unique nature of COVID-19. The ever-changing information and research about COVID-19 has caused consumer uncertainty. This makes it difficult to develop detailed and specific marketing strategies, and has forced health care providers to concentrate mainly on providing information to consumers, rather than promotion of services. Patients are now looking for high quality and reliable information regarding COVID-19, and how it may affect their health conditions and access to other healthcare services. This is a crucial time for health care marketers to provide accurate and timely information to the consumer. The focus of information giving presented a shift in marketing paradigm, from the traditional transactional, to a relationship based model, where the priority is providing consumer trust and confidence. This strategy is beneficial for consumers, and also a platform for building future marketing strategies and customer retention.
2. Advantages of Health Care Marketing
2.1 Benefits for Organizations
2.2 Benefits for Consumers
3. The Appropriateness of Marketing in Health Care
3.1 Arguments in Favor of Health Care Marketing
3.2 Arguments Against Health Care Marketing
4. Comparing Health Care Marketing with Other Industries
4.1 Similarities between Health Care Marketing and Marketing in Other Industries
4.2 Differences between Health Care Marketing and Marketing in Other Industries
5. Reviewing Health Care and Non-Healthcare Ads
5.1 Similarities in Marketing Approaches
5.2 Differences in Marketing Strategies
6. Exploring the 4Ps of Health Care Marketing
6.1 Product in Health Care Marketing
6.2 Price in Health Care Marketing
6.3 Place in Health Care Marketing
6.4 Promotion in Health Care Marketing
7. Predicting the Future of Health Care Marketing
7.1 Emerging Trends in Health Care Marketing
7.2 Anticipated Changes in the Next Decade