Criminal Justice Crime and Deviance Theories Questions


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Question 1: Fully describe the Anomie/Strain Tradition; its origins, major elements, strengths, and limitations. Provide potential modern-day examples of tradition’s influences in our criminal justice system today. Make sure to also identify the major thinkers, writers, and critics of this school of thought in your essay answer.

Question 2: Discusses major developmental theories relating to delinquency. Select one of those theories and provide 2 to 3 examples of those theories in action around us with younger persons coming into contact with our criminal justice system today. Make sure to also identify the major thinkers, writers, and critics of these theories in your essay answer.

Question 3: Examine again the Differential Association, Social Learning, and Labeling Theories . First, in one paragraph apiece describe each theory. In the remainder of your essay answer, specifically, compare and contrast two of the three theories with one another. Provide specific examples as appropriate to help your reader understand your observations. Finally, complete your essay answer with a reflection (opinion) paragraph of the theory (one of the three) which aligns most with your experience and beliefs OR is in most conflict with your experience and beliefs

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