Impact of Dance Exercise Essay



Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer:Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Research in Health Sciences, 16(3), 127–132.

You can use dancing as aerobic exercise. Please follow the guideline

Aerobic exercise refers to kinds of cardiovascular conditioning that comprises of events such as brisk, walking, running, among others. The type of aerobic exercise used for cancer is dancing. It is an easier aerobic exercise and more feasible since it only needs space and playlist. To evaluate the dancing, one needs to utilize the pulse oximeter before and after the dancing for one to know the type of exercise he or she got into.Quantitative Research ProposalQuantitative Research Proposal

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to:
? Demonstrate their ability to synthesize a comprehensive literature review
? Demonstrate their ability to identify key elements of a research proposal
? Demonstrate their ability to develop a research proposal in an organized and professional manner
? Student will utilize evidence gathered from completion of an extensive literature review to
develop a research proposal on the approved topic (Complete Proposal Approval Form)
? Assignment is to be presented in APA format with a cover sheet that includes the student’s name and
assignment #
? A copy of the completed assignment is to be submitted electronically to the professor on the date due
? Student will complete and document a comprehensive research proposal utilizing the general guidelines
outlined below:
Guidelines for Research Proposal
1. Title:
a. Indicate the title of the research proposal, the student’s name, the course number and course title
b. The proposal title:
?Should be concise and informative, compelling and interesting
?Should indicate the phenomena to be studied and the population of interest
2. Abstract:
a. Should be between 200 to 300 words
b. Should state succinctly the study objectives and methods to be used
c. Should persuade reviewers that the study has merit and would be undertaken with rigor

3. Problem & Significance
a. Introduction
b. The problem and its significance:
?Identify the problem clearly, precisely and of manageable proportions
?Indicate clearly the scope and importance of the problem and any potential application to
clinical/educational practice in the problem statement
?Describe clearly how the proposed research will contribute to knowledge and to the
enhancement of evidence-based practice
c. Definitions
?Include conceptual definition of key variables
d. Theoretical Rationale
?Include the theoretical background of the study or existing knowledge as a rationale
e. Need for the study
?Indicate the expected generalizability of the research, its contributions to the theory, its
potential for improving nursing practice, and possible applications or consequences of the
knowledge to be gained
4. Research Objective:
? Should be specific and achievable
? For exploratory or descriptive research, state as research questions
? For predictive research, state as research hypotheses (avoid statistical null and
alternative hypotheses)
5. Review of Literature:
f. Provide an integrated and critical review of existing research and theory relevant to the phenomena
based upon work from the Critical Appraisal of Research Studies assignment
g. Demonstrate command of current knowledge in the topic of interest
h. Strengthen arguments about the study’s significance, orient readers to what is already known about
the problem, and indicate how the proposed study will augment that knowledge
i. Written concisely and clearly to provide a strong foundation for the proposed study
j. At least 10 empirical and conceptual literature
i. At least 10 empirical articles from primary sources
k. Conclude with summary statement supporting need and aim/objective of the study

6. Methods:
a. The research design includes a statement of proposed research design and brief discussion:
?Strategies for comparison of groups
?Methods to control for extraneous variables
?Number of data collection points
b. The experimental interventions (if applicable) includes a description of both:
?Treatment group
?Control group
c. The sampling plan includes:
?Definition of the population
?The specific sampling design
?Recruitment of study participants
?Inclusion/exclusion criteria
?Number of participants expected and its rationale
d. Data collection methods include:
?Specific facilities
?Equipment to be utilized to administer a treatment or collect data
?Procedures to be adopted to assign participants to groups
e. Operational definitions of key variables
f. Measurement Instruments for data collection:
? Name of the instruments
? Description, number of items, validity, reliability and scoring of the instruments
? Actual instruments in an Appendix
g. Data analysis- Strategies for coding, sorting, reducing and analyzing data including any software to
be used
h. Methods of safeguarding human subjects include:
?Methods of maintaining confidentiality
?Methods of securing informed consent
?Methods of minimizing risks
7. Timeline for completion:
a. Must be feasible
b. Specify when study related activities are to commence and be completed.
8. References
9. Appendices:

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