MVCC The Criminal Justice System Rather than The Juvenile Justice System Essay



  1. Explain waiver to adult court.
  2. Name the main purposes for waiving a juvenile to adult court and explain the process.
  3. Compare and contrast the three main types of waiver to adult court.
  4. List the deciding factors in waiving a juvenile to adult court.
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the waiver to adult court.
  6. Describe and contrast the five types of blended sentencing.
  7. Analyze major U.S. Supreme Court cases that address the constitutionality of the death penalty for juvenile offenders.


  1. Describe the differences between juvenile community corrections and institutional corrections.
  2. Identify the different correctional sanctions available to the juvenile court.
  3. Explain the juvenile probation process.
  4. Identify typical juvenile probation conditions.
  5. Describe the duties and responsibilities of probation officers.
  6. Identify and explain the variations in juvenile probation.
  7. Describe what Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP) is and which juveniles are eligible for ISP.
  8. Identify and explain alternative sanctions available to the juvenile court.
  9. Describe what aftercare services are provided for juveniles released from secure incarceration.


  1. List differences between detained juveniles and committed juveniles.
  2. Profile the typical juvenile who is sent to an out-of-home placement facility.
  3. Explain the differences between public and private facilities.
  4. Describe the different types of secure institutional facilities.
  5. Explain the nature of juvenile detention facilities and processing procedures.
  6. Outline what is meant by a short-term secure facility.
  7. Describe what boot camps are designed to do.
  8. Explain what youth ranches and camps are.
  9. Summarize the nature of state institutions and schools.
  10. Outline the various types of programming that occur in juvenile institutions.

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